Import Method Connection

Use this method when the KAS-IDE and SafePLC2 are not installed on the same computer.

This procedure assumes you have already added a SafePLC2 project to the KAS project tree.

  1. Export the SafePLC2 node.

    See Import Method Connection.
  2. Name and save the .k2s Safety Project file.
  3. Transfer the exported file to a computer which has SafePLC2 installed.
  4. Open the Safety Project file with SafePLC2.

    SafePLC2 automatically populates the safety devices from the EtherCAT Safe topology defined in the KAS-IDE.
  5. Complete and save the SafePLC2 Safety Project.
  6. Compile the Safety Project and download it to the SCU1 controller.
  7. Transfer the completed .k2s Safety Project file back to the computer with the KAS-IDE.
  8. Import the completed Safety Project.

    See Import Method Connection.
  9. Complete and compile the KAS project.

    The KAS-IDE automatically creates the required black channel communication required from the connected module information passed to KAS from SafePLC2.

  10. Download the compiled KAS application to the controller and run it.
    • The Black Channel will establish the Safety network connection when EtherCAT goes into the operational state.
    • The SCU transitions to Run mode.