Restore tab

Restore Controller

The Backup and Restore functions are used to replicate a Kollmorgen controller.

The controller data is replicated on these storage devices:

  • AKD PDMM and PCMM: SD card.
  • PCMM2G: USB flash drive.

The elements that are backed up or restored for all controllers are the:

  • Controller firmware.
  • Network configuration.
  • PLC Application.
  • Retain Variables.
  • Shared Directory settings
  • User data files.
  • Web server and SSH user accounts configuration.

PCMM2G Backup / Restore Only

  • Backup:
    • AKD and/or AKD2G firmware packages and their respective drive parameters.
    • EtherCAT network topology.
  • Restore:
    • The drive's data and firmware is copied from the USB flash drive to the controller flash when the Restore Controller function is selected.
    • The Restore EtherCAT Devices function should be selected for restoring the data and the firmware of any replaced AKD or AKD2G drives.

Restore EtherCAT Devices

This function automatically restores the data and firmware of any replaced AKD or AKD2G drives and the station alias of other EtherCAT devices.


Click this button to create a map of the network and its components.

  • If a valid firmware file is found, and the current topology matches the backup file, select the devices that need to be restored.
  • Click Restore EtherCAT Devices restores the drive's firmware.