Controller Performance Guidelines

Time to share the data over EtherNet/IP or PROFINET does not increase as more variables are shared unless either the:

  • EtherNet/IP Requested Packet Interval (RPI) time is changed.
  • PROFINET Send clock factor is changed.
  • PCMM2G processor is overloaded (i.e., no idle time).

Additional controller CPU usage is required when fieldbuses are used to transmit and receive data between network devices and PLC variables.

The impact to the PLC execution time and the CPU load is estimated as:

EtherNet/IP or PROFINET Processing Time = PLC Overhead + (Bytes Shared x Load per Byte)

These models are used to calculate the performance of the EtherNet/IP and PROFINET fieldbuses.


  • The Load per Byte is dependent on both the:
    • EtherNet/IP RPI.
    • PROFINET Send clock factor.
  • The Load per Byte values are measured with both:
    • EtherNet/IP: RPI = 10.
    • PROFINET: Send clock factor [31,250us] = 32.

AKD PDMM and PCMM - 800MHz

AKD PDMM and PCMM 800MHz 800MHz as an:

PLC Overhead

Load per Byte

EtherNet/IP Adapter (Server)

42 microseconds

0.5258 microsecond/Byte

EtherNet/IP I/O Scanner (Client)

42 microseconds

0.4603 microsecond/Byte

AKD PDMM and PCMM - 1.2GHz

AKD PDMM and PCMM 800MHz 1.2GHz as an:

PLC Overhead

Load per Byte

EtherNet/IP Adapter (Server)

28 microseconds

0.3121 microsecond/Byte

EtherNet/IP I/O Scanner (Client)

25 microseconds

0.269 microsecond/Byte

PROFINET IO Controller

54 microseconds

0.515 microsecond/Byte


25 microseconds

0.235 microsecond/Byte


PCMM2G as an:

PLC Overhead

Load per Byte

EtherNet/IP Adapter (Server)

15 microseconds

0.0922 microsecond/Byte

EtherNet/IP I/O Scanner (Client)

10 microseconds

0.0753 microsecond/Byte

PROFINET IO Controller

22 microseconds

0.156 microsecond/Byte


13 microseconds

0.119 microsecond/Byte

Example: EtherNet/IP Performance

This example uses an PCMM2G as an I/O Scanner with 8x Assemblies with:

  • 3968 Byte PLC variables all with RPI 10ms.
  • 4000 microsecond EtherCAT Cycle Time.
PLC Time = (3968 x 0.0922) + 15 = 381 microseconds 
CPU Usage % = 381 / 4000 = 0.095 (9.5%)

Results of exchanging data over EtherNet/IP:

  • Increases the PLC execution time by 381 microseconds.
  • Reduces the CPU Idle Time by 9.5%.