Modular EtherCAT Concept


A modular approach to machine design has many benefits, including flexibility, scalability, and improved efficiency.

  • Modular machines are split into sub-sections.
  • Each sub-section containing all the mechanical and electrical devices, motors, sensors, etc. as well as corresponding application code, to work together to provide a functional segment in the manufacturing workflow.
  • The advantages to modular design are realized when the modules can be re-used.
  • Examples include multiple module instances in the same machine and modules replicated across multiple machines.

Special consideration should be given to the physical layout, EtherCAT network topology, and the application code architecture to design a modular machine.

Modular machines are well suited to distributed EtherCAT device topologies (e.g., AKD-x-C/N drives) but can also be applied to other EtherCAT devices.

Examples of Modular Machine Design Uses

Machine with Multiple Variants

  1. Machine Variant = Base module + one, two, (or more) additional modules.
  2. Base Module - Each machine variant has the same base set of EtherCAT devices.
  3. Additional Modules - Each module contains one (or more) EtherCAT devices.

Module Maintenance

  1. One (or more) modules are removed during machine operation.
  2. The machine continues to operate with the remaining base + modules.

Share Modules across Machines in a Factory Line

  1. Remove a module from machine A.
  2. Continue to operate machine A with the remaining base + modules.
  3. Move the module to machine B.

Modular Design Guidelines

These sections provide guidelines for modular design:

See ECATDeviceAction about how to add the ability to connect/disconnect an EtherCAT device to the program.

Backing up Modular EtherCAT Devices

This procedure should be followed to backup EtherCAT devices when the modular EtherCAT feature is used to remove devices to create a machine variant.

See Modular EtherCAT Concept for more information.

  1. Run the KAS application which sets up the correct EtherCAT topology for the machine variant.
  2. Stop the KAS application.

    • Do not power cycle or reboot the controller between Steps 2 and 3.
  3. Backup the EtherCAT devices.
    See Backup Procedure for more information.


  • The device topology order cannot be rearranged.
  • The Modular EtherCAT features are not supported with imported ENI files.