Controller Rotary Switch

The rotary switch on a Kollmorgen controller is set from a 0 to 9 position.

Switch Position


Position 0

  • The controller tries to get an IP address from a DHCP server.
  • If the DHCP fails, the controller uses AutoIP to get a usable IP address.

Position 1


  • The default static IP address of
  • A custom IP address.

Position 2-9

  • The controller is pre-configured with static IP addresses.
  • The IP addresses range is from:
    • (Position 2) to (Position 9)

  • If a DHCP server is not present, the drive assumes an Automatic Private IP Address of the form 169.254.x.x.

  • The AKD PDMM and PCMM do not set (or show) an IP address without an attached network cable.
    On the PCMM2G, if a network cable is not attached or no IP address is assigned, the controller shows an IP address of