Set Up a Variable to Monitor Safety Data

This example creates a variable used to monitor data from a safety device.

The project for this example has a BBH SCU and an AKD2G.

  1. Connect the SCU and drive PDOs.
    See FSoE / PDO Connections tab.

    While this step is optional, it is quite useful and will save you time and effort.

  2. Right-click (or double-click) an Input (Tx) PDOs object that will be monitored and select Map.

    It is recommended that you use Tx PDOs as the source for a variable as they update every cycle, where Rx PDOs may not be current.

  3. Read-Only variables are the only ones that will be shown in the PLC Variable Selector.
    Click Create PLC Variable.
    In this case we are creating the variable inside of Main.

  4. Define a variable by giving it a name, type, and optionally an initial value and click OK.

  5. The PLC Variable Selector now displays variable.
    Click OK.

The variable is now assigned and available to monitor any object in the same Index:Subindex.

  1. OPTIONAL: The variable may be further defined, such as giving it a description.
    Looking at it, we can see that it was created as Read Only.
    It is recommended that the variable is not changed to Read/Write.
    If it is changed an error will be generated when the project is compiled.