Axis tab

You can view a visual representation of the motors from the Axis tab.

The axis wheels are visible after your application is started.

These items can be monitored from the display: 

  • Real and Simulated axes.
  • Actual position with solid line and actual position value.
  • Command position with the dotted line and (command position value) in parentheses.
  • Axis State: Powered-off , Powered-On, or Error as well as Simulated Powered Off and ON.
  • Identify the axes from the label, as defined by the axis name in your application.
  • Axis status or positions snapshot.

Figure 1: Axis examples

Information that is available by clicking on the axis


Image (PN axis)

Image (PLCopen axis)

Image (digitizing axis)

See Axis Pipe Block.

See Axis Parameters.

Additionally, if an axis is in error, the error can be cleared by clicking the text below the axis title.