Fault and Warning Messages

When a fault occurs a specific fault reaction is executed by the drive. Depending on the fault, the reaction can be to:

  • Controlled stop, which slows down any motion to zero velocity (see also CS.VTHRESH and CS.TO ) and disables the power stage.
  • Disable power stage, which immediately disables the power stage (also known as coast to stop).
  • Dynamic brake, which slows down the motor load by shorten the motor phases.

If the drive has a fault relay, it is immediately open when a fault occurs.

For central power supplies

When a fault occurs the power supply fault relay is opened, and a specific fault reaction is executed. Depending on the fault, the reaction can be to:

  • Disable drives, which removes the global enable signal to the connected drives. The drives will execute the configured disable mode function (see also DRV.DISMODE).
  • Disable drives and unpower strings, which removes the global enable and afterwards also removes the logical voltage of the drives.

When a warning occurs, neither the fault relay or the power stage is disabled.

Fault & Warning Indicators at the Device

For devices with two 7-segments display

The display on the front panel shows the number of the fault that occurred. If a warning is issued prior to the fault, the warning is shown on the segment and has the same number as the associated fault.

The left 7 segment display shows “F” for a fault or “n” for a warning. The right one shows the fault or warning number as follows: “x” [break] “y” [break] “z” [break], where xyz describes the number. The highest priority fault is displayed. Multiple faults may be present when a fault condition is occurring.

Fault & Warning Details with a Connected Device

With the device connected to workbench, the main screen shows a “virtual” 7-segment display, with appropriate sequence for a fault / warning code. The status bar at the button of workbench shows if a warning or fault is active. The faults and warnings screen shows the details of the actual faults as well as the fault history. In the terminal, the entire list of faults can be read by DRV.FAULTS. This command can also be used by any external controller or HMIClosed"Human-machine interfaces " Also known as computer-human interfaces (CHI), and formerly known as man-machine interfaces, they are usually employed to communicate with PLCs and other computers, such as entering and monitoring temperatures or pressures for further automated control or emergency response that is connected to the device. A similar command for warnings is DRV.WARNINGS.

Clearing Faults

Most faults can be cleared without cycling power to the drive (unless they are specifically noted in the table as requiring 24 V power cycle).

Once the fault cause is remedied, you can clear faults from the AKD Faults and Warnings view by clicking the Disable & Clear Faults button.

Fault (“F”)

Warning (“n”)

Message/Warning Cause Remedy Drive Response to Fault
  1. 24V Control Power input voltage dip.
  2. Auxillary encoder 5V (X9-9) shorted.
  1. Insure adequate 24V supply current capacity for the system.
  2. Check and fix X9 wiring.
  3. Check additional capacity for releasing the motor brake. An increased current consumption is expected which needs to be provided by the power supply.
F0   Reserved. N/A N/A
F101   Firmware incompatible. Installed firmware is not compatible with the drive hardware. Load compatible firmware into the drive. Disable power stage
n101 The FPGAClosed"Field-Programmable Gate Array" FPGA is a semiconductor device that can be configured by the customer or designer after manufacturing; hence the name "field-programmable" is a lab FPGA. The FPGA is a lab version FPGA. Load the released FPGA version that is compatible with the operational firmware. None
F102 Resident Firmware failed. Software failure detected. Restart drive. If issue persists, contact technical support. Disable power stage
n102 Operational FPGA is not a default FPGA. The FPGA minor version is larger than the operational firmware default FPGA minor version Load the released FPGA version that is compatible with the operational firmware. None
F103 Resident FPGA failed. Software failure detected. Load resident FPGA failure occurred (several cases according to flowchart, including incompatible image to FPGA type and fieldbus type). Restart drive. If issue persists, contact technical support. Disable power stage
F104 Operational FPGA failed. Software failure detected. Load operational FPGA failure occurred (several cases according to flowchart). Restart drive. If issue persists, contact technical support. Disable power stage
F105 NV Memory Stamp. Non-volatileClosedinformation is stored in a specific memory to remain accessible even when the application has been powered off memory stamp is corrupted or invalid. Reset the drive to default memory values using Parameter Load in WorkBench. Disable power stage
F106 NV Memory Data (might occur when downloading firmware). Non-volatile memory data is corrupted or invalid. When this fault occurs after a firmware download, it is not an indication of a problem (clear the fault and perform a “save” to the drive). Reset the drive to default memory values using Parameter Load in WorkBench. Disable power stage
n107 Positive limit switch triggered. Either a digital input is configured as positive limit switch (DINx.MODE 18) and its state is “off” OR a positive software position limit is configured (SWLS.EN ) and the actual position PL.FB is greater than the configured limit (see also SWLS.LIMIT0 / SWLS.LIMIT1 ). Move the load away from the limits. Controlled stop
n108 Negative limit switch triggered. Either a digital input is configured as negative limit switch (DINx.MODE 19) and its state is “off” OR a negative software position limit is configured (SWLS.EN ) and the actual position PL.FB is less than the configured limit (see also SWLS.LIMIT0 / SWLS.LIMIT1 ). Move the load away from the limits. Controlled stop
F120 Failed to default parameters. Drive parameters could not be reset to default because the drive was enabled or, on AKD-C, a connected AKD-N was enabled. Disable the drive or all connected AKD-N drives and try resetting again. Disable power stage
F121 HomingClosedThe Homing procedure allows, based on a position measurement, to set a position offset to the motor in order to ensure it is physically at the home position Error. Drive did not finish homing sequence. Check homing sensorClosedA sensor is a type of transducer that converts one type of energy into another for various purposes including measurement or information transfer, homing mode, and homing configuration. Controlled stop
Invalid motion task. Invalid motion task. Check motion task settings and parameters to make sure that the values entered will produce a valid motion task. Disable power stage
F124 Cogging compensation non volatile memory data error (CRCClosed"Cyclic redundancy check" A CRC is a type of function that takes as input a data stream of any length and produces as output a value of a certain fixed size. The term CRC is often used to denote either the function or the function's output. A CRC can be used as a checksum to detect accidental alteration of data during transmission or storage). The cogging compensation table saved in non-volatile memory is corrupted. Configure and save your cogging compensation table again. If the fault persists, send the drive for repair. Disable power stage
FieldbusClosedA Fieldbus is an industrial network system for real-time distributed control (e.g. CAN or Profibus). It is a way of connecting instruments in a plant design Sync frames lost. The fieldbus lost synchronization. Check fieldbus connection (X5 and X6 if you are using EtherCATClosedEtherCAT is an open, high-performance Ethernet-based fieldbus system. The development goal of EtherCAT was to apply Ethernet to automation applications which require short data update times (also called cycle times) with low communication jitter (for synchronization purposes) and low hardware costs; X12 and X13 if you are using CANopen) or the settings of your EtherCAT or CANopen master. Controlled stop
Bode plot too much movement. Too much movement was created during a Bode plot. Motor is unstable and is not following drive instructions. Check that the system is closed loop stable. Refer to the system tuning guide. Dynamic braking
F127 Incomplete Emergency Procedure. Incomplete emergency stop procedure (problem with the emergency stop motion task). Disconnect power from drive and check emergency stop procedure. Dynamic braking
F128 Mpoles / Fpoles not integer. Ratio of motor poles to feedback poles must be a whole number. Change to a compatible feedback deviceClosedA process whereby some proportion of the output signal of a system is passed (fed back) to the input. In automation, a device coupled to each motor to provide indication of the motor's shaft angle, for use in commutating the motor and controlling its speed and position. Disable power stage
F129 Fieldbus Heartbeat lost. Heartbeat lost. Check CANopen cabling. Reduce bus load or increase the heartbeat update time. Controlled stop
F130 Secondary feedback supply over current. 5V power supply was shorted out on X9. Check X9 connection. Disable power stage
F131 Secondary feedback A/B line break. Problem in secondary feedback detected. Check secondary feedback (X9 connection). Disable power stage
F132 Secondary feedback Z line break. Problem in secondary feedback detected. Check secondary feedback (X9 connection). Disable power stage
F133 Fault number changed to to F138. See F138 for details.     Disable power stage
F134 Secondary feedback illegal state. Feedback signals were detected in an illegal combination. Check X9 connection. Disable power stage
Fault on FB2 is preventing remote commutation for FB1. Attempt to issue motion task before the axis is homed. Axis must be homed before motion task can start. Change opmode or home axis. Disable power stage
F136 Firmware and FPGA versions are not compatible. The FPGA version does not match the firmware FPGA version constants. Load the FPGA version that is compatible with the firmware. Disable power stage
n137 Homing and feedback mismatch The configured homing mode is not supported by the motor feedback type used. Change homing mode. None
F138 Instability during autotune. Drive current (ILClosed"Instruction list" This is a low-level language and resembles assembly.CMD) or velocity feedback (VL.FB) exceeds allowable limit (BODE.IFLIMIT or BODE.VFLIMIT). This fault only occurs in BODE.MODE 5. This fault often occurs when complex mechanics, belts, and compliant loads are present. Change BODE.MODE if appropriate. If BODE.MODE 5 is appropriate and the fault occurs at the end of an Autotuning, then the motor is not robustly stable. You can manually adjust Autotuner settings. Manual tuning may be required to make the motor stable. Controlled stop
F139 Target position was overshot due to invalid motion task activation. The drive cannot decelerate from its current speed to reach the end point of the second motion task without moving past it. Increase the deceleration rate in the move or trigger the move earlier. Change Motion task profile and clear fault with DRV.CLRFAULTS. Or change the value of FAULT139.ACTION = 1 to ignore this condition. Disable power stage
n140 (deprecated in VBUS.HALFVOLT has changed. Save the parameters and reboot the drive. The user has changed the numerical value of VBUS.HALFVOLT. This change only takes effect after a DRV.NVSAVE command and after rebooting the AKD. Save the parameters in the non-volatile memory via a DRV.NVSAVE command and turn off/on the 24[V] power supply in order to reboot the drive or restore the original stetting of VBUS.HALFVOLT. None
n151 Not enough distance to move; motion exception. For trapezoidal and customer table motion tasks: The target velocity specified in the motion task cannot be reached via using the selected acceleration and deceleration since the distance to travel is not sufficient.

For a 1:1 profile: The selected acceleration and deceleration will be extended since there is too much distance to travel and the motion task would exceed its maximum allowed velocity.
Activation of any new motion or using of DRV.CLRFAULTS will clear the warning. Check motion task settings and parameters to make sure that the values entered will produce a valid motion task. None
n152 Not enough distance to move; following motion exception. A new motion task activated, when one motion task is already active and the target position specified in the motion task parameters cannot be reached with specified target velocity, acceleration and deceleration parameters. The motion task will directly decelerate to into the target position or ramps down to velocity 0 and start another move to reach target position of the next motion task. Activation of any new motion or using of DRV.CLRFAULTS will clear the warning. Check motion task settings and parameters to make sure that the values entered will produce a valid motion task. None
n153 Velocity limit violation, exceeding max limit. A new target velocity calculated internally due to an exception, and is being limited due to user velocity limit. Activation of any new motion or using of DRV.CLRFAULTS will clear the warning. Check motion task target velocity settings and parameters to make sure that the values entered will not exceed the VL.LIMITP and VL.LIMITN setting. None
n154 Following motion failed; check motion parameters. Activation of the following motion task failed due to incompatible parameters, or motion task does not exist. Activation of any new motion or using of DRV.CLRFAULTS will clear the warning. Check following motion task settings and parameters to make sure that the values entered will produce a valid motion task. None
n156 Target position crossed due to stop command. The motion task crosses the target position after triggering a DRV.STOP command. This situation can happen when processing a change-on-the-fly motion task and triggering a DRV.STOP command close to the target position of the currently running motion task. Activation of any new motion or using of DRV.CLRFAULTS will clear the warning. None
n157 Homing index pulse not found. A homing mode with index detection is activated, and index pulse is not detected while moving across the range determined by the hardware limit switches. Activation of any new motion or using of DRV.CLRFAULTS will clear the warning. None
n158 Homing reference switch not found. A homing mode with reference switch detection is activated and the reference switch is not detected while moving across the range determined by the hardware limit switches. Activation of any new motion or using of DRV.CLRFAULTS will clear the warning. None
n159 Failed to set motion task parameters Invalid motion task parameters assignment. This warning can appear upon an MT.SET command. Activation of any new motion or using of DRV.CLRFAULTS will clear the warning. Check motion task settings and parameters. None
n160 Motion task activation failed. Activation of the motion task failed due to incompatible parameters, or motion task does not exist. This warning can appear upon an MT.MOVE command. Activation of any new motion or using of DRV.CLRFAULTS will clear the warning. Check motion task settings and parameters to make sure that the values entered will produce a valid motion task. None
n161 Homing procedure failed. Homing error observed during the operation of homing procedure. Activation of any new motion or using of DRV.CLRFAULTS will clear the warning. None
n163 MT.NUM exceeds limit. This warning appears with n160. This warning is triggered when you try to trigger a motion task > 128 (such as MT.MOVE 130). Trigger only motion tasks between 0 and 128. Activation of any new motion or using of DRV.CLRFAULTS will clear the warning. None
n164 Motion task is not initialized. This warning appears with n160. This warning is triggered when you try to trigger a non-initialized motion task. Initialize the motion task first before starting the task. Activation of any new motion or using of DRV.CLRFAULTS will clear the warning. None
n165 Motion task target position is out. This warning appears with n160. This warning is triggered when you try to trigger a motion task with an absolute target position outside of the selected modulo range (see also MT.CNTL). Move the absolute target position of the motion task within the modulo range.Activation of any new motion or using of DRV.CLRFAULTS will clear the warning. None
n168 Invalid bit combination in the motion task control word. This warning appears with n160. This warning is triggered when you try to trigger a motion task with an invalid bit combination in the motion task control word (see also MT.CNTL). Correct the MT.CNTL setting for the specific motion task. Activation of any new motion or using of DRV.CLRFAULTS will clear the warning. None
n169 1:1 profile cannot be triggered on the fly. This warning appears with n160. This warning is triggered when you try to trigger a 1:1 profile table motion task while another motion task is currently running. 1:1 profile table motion tasks should be started from velocity 0. Activation of any new motion or using of DRV.CLRFAULTS will clear the warning. None
n170 Customer profile table is not initialized. This warning appears with n160. This warning is triggered when you try to trigger a motion task that uses a customer profile table for generating the velocity profile and when the selected profile table is empty (see MT.CNTL and MT.TNUM. Change the MT.TNUM parameter for this specific motion task in order to use an initialized profile table. Activation of any new motion or using of DRV.CLRFAULTS will clear the warning. None
n171 Motion task activation is currently pending   None
n174 Homing maximum distance exceeded   None
n179 Teaching of Cogging compensation stopped before finishing. The cogging compensation teach move could not be completed. Some common causes are limit switches, mechanical blockage or the drive being disabled due to a fault. Make sure your motor is able to move the distance required by the cogging compensation teach move and start the move again. N/A
n180 Cogging compensation not active. Axis needs to be homed first. Using a non-absolute feedback a homing procedure is needed before cogging compensation can be applied. Execute a homing procedure or deactivate cogging compensation. N/A
F201 Internal RAM failed. Hardware failure detected. Restart drive. If issue persists, contact technical support. Disable power stage
F202 External RAM failed. Hardware failure detected. Restart drive. If issue persists, contact technical support. Disable power stage
F203 Code Integrity failed. Software failure detected. FPGA register access failure occurred. Restart drive. If issue persists, contact technical support. Disable power stage
F204 Control board EEPROM read failed. EEPROM failure detected. Restart drive. If issue persists, exchange drive. Disable power stage
F205 Control board EEPROM corrupted serial num stamp. EEPROM failure detected. Restart drive. If issue persists, exchange drive. Disable power stage
F206 Control board EEPROM corrupted serial num data. EEPROM failure detected. Restart drive. If issue persists, exchange drive. Disable power stage
F207 Control board EEPROM corrupted parameter stamp. EEPROM failure detected. Restart drive. If issue persists, exchange drive. Disable power stage
F208 Control board EEPROM corrupted parameter data. EEPROM failure detected. Restart drive. If issue persists, exchange drive. Disable power stage
F209 Power board EEPROM read failed. EEPROM failure detected. Restart drive. If issue persists, exchange drive. Disable power stage
F210 Power board EEPROM corrupted serial num stamp. EEPROM failure detected. Restart drive. If issue persists, exchange drive. Disable power stage
F212 Power board EEPROM corrupted serial num data. EEPROM failure detected. Restart drive. If issue persists, exchange drive. Disable power stage
F213 Power board EEPROM corrupted parameter stamp. EEPROM failure detected. Restart drive. If issue persists, exchange drive. Disable power stage
F214 Power board EEPROM corrupted parameter data. EEPROM failure detected. Restart drive. If issue persists, exchange drive. Disable power stage
F219 Control board EEPROM write failed. EEPROM failure detected. Restart drive. If issue persists, exchange drive. Disable power stage
F230 Power board EEPROM write failed. EEPROM failure detected. Restart drive. If issue persists, exchange drive. Disable power stage
F232 Power board EEPROM invalid data. EEPROM failure detected. Restart drive. If issue persists, exchange drive. Disable power stage
Control over temperature sensor 1. High temperature limit reached. Check cabinet ventilation system. Disable power stage
Power over temperature sensor 1. Disable power stage
Power over temperature sensor 2. Disable power stage
Power over temperature sensor 3. Disable power stage
Power over temperature sensor 4. High temperature limit reached. Check cabinet ventilation system. Disable power stage
Control under temperature sensor 1. Low temperature limit reached. Check cabinet ventilation system. Disable power stage
Power under temperature sensor 1. Disable power stage
Power under temperature sensor 2. Disable power stage
Power under temperature sensor 3. Disable power stage
F245 External Fault. This fault is user generated and is caused by user settings. Users can configure a digital input to trigger this fault (DINx.MODE = 10). The fault occurs according to this input setting. Clear the input to clear the fault. Disable power stage
F247 Vbus read is out of thresholds. Hardware problem in bus measurement. Troubleshoot and repair hardware problem. Disable power stage
F248 Option board EEPROM corrupted. EEPROM failure detected. Restart drive. If issue persists, exchange drive. Disable power stage
F249 Option board downstream checksum. Communications with the I/O on the option board failed. DRV.CLRFAULTS. If issue persists If issue persists, contact technical support. Disable power stage
F250 Option board upstream checksum. Communications with the I/O on the option board failed. DRV.CLRFAULTS. If issue persists If issue persists, contact technical support. Disable power stage
F251 Option board watchdog. Communications with the I/O on the option board failed. DRV.CLRFAULTS. If issue persists If issue persists, contact technical support. Disable power stage
F252 Firmware and option board FPGA types are not compatible. The option board FPGA is not compatible with this hardware. Download the correct firmware file for this drive. Disable power stage
F253 Firmware and option board FPGA versions are not compatible. The version of the option board FPGA is not compatible with this firmware. Download the correct firmware file for this drive. Disable power stage
F256 Analog Input over voltage The analog input value is above the AIN.OVFTHRESH level. Check the analog input signal or change the AIN.OVFTHRESH value. Controlled stop
F257 Analog Input under voltage The analog input value is below the AIN.UVFTHRESH level. Check the analog input signal or change the AIN.UVFTHRESH value. Controlled stop
n256 Warning: Analog Input over voltage The analog input value is above the AIN.OVWTHRESH level. Check the analog input signal or change the AIN.OVWTHRESH value. None
n257 Warning: Analog Input under voltage The analog input value is below the AIN.UVWTHRESH level. Check the analog input signal or change the AIN.UVWTHRESH value. None
Motor overheated. Motor overheated. Check ambient temperature. Check motor mounting heat sink capability Disable power stage
F302 Over speed. Motor exceeded VL.THRESH value. Increase VL.THRESH or lower velocity command. Dynamic braking
F303 Run away. Motor did not follow command values. Current command to the motor is too high for too long. Reduce servo gains, or reduce command trajectory aggressiveness. Controlled stop
Motor Foldback. Maximum motor power has been exceeded; the power has been limited to protect the motor Motion is requiring too much power. Change move profile to reduce load on motor. Check for load jamming or sticking. Check that current limits are set correctly. Controlled stop
F305 Brake open circuit. Motor brake open circuit. Fault threshold is 200 mA. Check cabling and general functionality. For special low current brake applications, the F305 fault can be bypassed using the setting motor.brake = 100. Dynamic braking
F306 Brake short circuit. Motor brake short circuit. Check cabling and general functionality. Check that MOTOR.TBRAKERLS and MOTOR.TBRAKEAPP are configured. Dynamic braking
F307 Brake applied during Enable-State. Motor brake closed unexpectedly. Check cabling and general functionality. Dynamic braking
F308 Voltage exceeds motors rating. Drive bus voltage exceeds the motor’s defined voltage rating. Make sure that the motor fits the driving rating. Disable power stage
F309 Motor I2t load over fault threshold. Motor I2t load (IL.MI2T) has exceeded the fault threshold IL.MI2TFTHRESH. This fault can only be generated in the case that the motor protection mode IL.MIMODE has been set to 1. Reduce the load of the drive e.g. by adjusting acceleration / deceleration ramps. Disable power stage
n309 Motor I2t load. reduce load Motor I2t load (IL.MI2T) has exceeded the warning threshold IL.MI2TWTHRESH. This warning can only be generated in the case that the motor protection mode IL.MIMODE has been set to 1. Reduce the load of the drive by adjusting lower acceleration / deceleration ramps. None
F312 Brake released when it should be applied. Brake disengaged unexpectedly. Check cabling and general functionality. Controlled stop
F314 Motor phase loss detected. One or multiple motor lines are not properly connected. Check the motor connector/wiring on the AKD. Disable power stage
F401 Failed to set feedback type. Feedback is not connected or wrong feedback type selected Check primary feedback (X10 connection). Dynamic braking
F402 Analog signal amplitude fault. Analog signal amplitude is too low or too high. Applicable to all feedback types with sin/cos lines (including Resolver, Endat 2.1, pure Sin/Cos ect.). Check primary feedback (X10 connection), resolver and sine/cos encoder only. Dynamic braking
F403 EnDat communication fault. General communication problem with feedback. Check primary feedback (X10 connection), EnDat only. If feedback is linear, check calibration. Dynamic braking
F404 Illegal Hall state (111, 000). Hall sensor returns invalid Hall state (111, 000); either all Hall sensors are on or off. Legal Hall states are 001, 011, 010, 110, 100, and 101. This fault can be caused by a broken connection in any one of the Hall signals. Check the feedback wiring; check all feedback connectors to ensure all pins are positioned correctly. Dynamic braking
F405 BiSSClosed"Bi-directional Serial Synchronous interface" An open-source communication protocol for feedback devices. With BiSS, all of the computation for interpolation in regard to position occurs on the ASIC directly in the encoder watchdog fault. Bad communication with the feedback device.   Check primary feedback (X10 connection), Biss only. Dynamic braking
F406 BiSS multi cycle fault.
F407 BiSS sensor fault.
F408 SFD configuration fault. Bad communication with the feedback device.      Internal feedback failure. Return to manufacturer for repair. Dynamic braking
F409 SFD UART over run fault. Internal feedback failure. Return to manufacturer for repair.
F410 SFD UART frame fault. Internal feedback failure. Return to manufacturer for repair.
F412 SFD UART parity fault. Internal feedback failure. Return to manufacturer for repair.
F413 SFD transfer timeout. Check primary feedback (X10 connection), SFD only.
n414 SFD single corrupted position. Internal feedback failure. Return to manufacturer for repair.
F415 SFD multiple CRC error. General communication problem with feedback (internal feedback failure). Check primary feedback (X10 connection). Contact manufacturer for repair. Dynamic braking
F416 SFD transfer incomplete. General communication problem with feedback (internal feedback failure). Check primary feedback (X10 connection), SFD only. Dynamic braking
F417 Broken wire in primary feedback. In primary feedback, a broken wire was detected (incremental encoder signal amplitude). Check feedback cable continuity. Dynamic braking
F418 Primary feedback power supply. Power supply fault for primary feedback. Check primary feedback (X10 connection). Dynamic braking
F419 Encoder init procedure failed. Phase find procedure did not complete successfully. Check encoder wiring, reduce/balance motor load prior to phase finding. Disable power stage
F420 FB3 Endat communication fault. A communication error was detected with the EnDat 2.2 device connected to the X9 connector. Check pinout and FB3 configuration and reconnect feedback. If problems persist, contact customer support. Dynamic braking
F421 SFD resolver sensor fault. SensorClosedA sensor is a type of transducer that converts one type of energy into another for various purposes including measurement or information transfer or sensor wiring failure inside motor. Try resetting the fault. If it reappears return motor for repair. Dynamic braking
F423 NV Failure – Extended Multiturn. The position saved in memory is corrupted. Home axis or disable extended multiturn. If the fault persists, send the drive for repair. Disable power stage
F436 EnDat overheated.      
Deviation from predicted trajectory fault. Motor did not follow command values. Motor exceeded maximum allowed position following error (numeric). Check for increased load, jamming or sticking. Is position error set too low? Controlled stop
Following error magnitude fault. Motor did not follow command values. Motor exceeded maximum allowed position following error (user). Check feedback commutation setup and tuning parameters. Controlled stop
F450 Following error presentation. Motor did not follow command values. Motor exceeded maximum allowed position following error (presentation). Check feedback commutation setup and tuning parameters. Controlled stop
Feedback battery fault. The external battery voltage is too low. The F451 fault is generated if the AKD is not powered. The n451 warning is generated if the AKD is powered. This fault can be inhibited with FAULT451.ACTION. Check or replace the external battery. Dynamic braking
F452 Extended Multiturn not supported with this feedback. Non-multiturn feedback is connected while FB1.PMTSAVEEN is active. Connect multiturn feedback to the drive or disable extended multiturn. Disable power stage
F453 Tamagawa communication fault (timeout). Bad communication with the feedback device. Cabling or shielding fault, or internal feedback failure. Check the cabling to the drive and if the problem persists then return the feedback to the manufacturer for repair. Dynamic braking
F454 Tamagawa communication fault (transfer incomplete).
F456 Tamagawa communication fault (CRC).
F457 Tamagawa communication fault (start timeout).
F458 Tamagawa communication fault (UART Overrun).
F459 Tamagawa communication fault (UART Framing).
F460 Tamagawa encoder fault (over speed). This fault is generated when the shaft is rotated above a maximum speed that can be maintained while the external battery is powered and the drive is powered off. Reset the fault on the drive with DRV.CLRFAULTS. Dynamic braking
F461 Tamagawa encoder fault (counting Error). When the feedback is powered on the position (within one revolution) was incorrect because of a problem with the feedback device. Reset the fault on the drive with DRV.CLRFAULTS, if the problem persists then clean the feedback code plate. Dynamic braking
F462 Tamagawa encoder fault (counting overflow). Multi-turn counter has overflowed. Reset the fault on the drive with DRV.CLRFAULTS. Dynamic braking
F463 Feedback overheat fault. The temperature of the encoder substrate exceeds overheating detection temperature during main power-on. Reset the fault on the drive with DRV.CLRFAULTS after temperature of encoder is lowered. Dynamic braking
F464 Tamagawa encoder fault (multi-turn error). Any bit-jump occurs in the multi-turn signal during main power-on. Return to the origin. Reset the fault on the drive with DRV.CLRFAULTS. Dynamic braking
F465 Excessive shock detected by feedback device. 1. Excessive shock from an impact or vibration has caused an error in the feddback device.
2. Internal error in the feedback device mechanism, resulted in bad position data.
1. Reduce external impacts to the motor housing and shaft. Tune the control loops filters. Reduce gains, particularly feed forward gains. Reduce maximum commanded acceleration.
2. Replace the feedback device.
Dynamic braking
F467 Feedback fault on feedback 1 (See FB1.FAULTS for details). The feedback device malfunctioned. Check FB1.FAULTS for detailed fault information. If using a BiSS feedback device, fault 467 indicates a communications fault with the BiSS feedback device. No additional information is available via FB1.FAULTS for this fault when using a BiSS feedback device. Dynamic braking
F469 FB1.ENCRES is not power of two, Remote Commutation not possible. Feedback Type 43 requires that the feedback resolution be a power of two. Feedback Type 43 is not supported for all feedback resolutions. If the remote feedback device's resolution is a power of two, enter that value in FB1.ENCRES. Otherwise, choose a feedback device with a supported resolution (power of two) and enter that value in FB1.ENCRES. Dynamic braking
F470 Feedback fault on feedback 3. Feedback is not connected or general communication problem. Check tertiary feedback (X9 connection) Dynamic braking
F471 Operation in Position Mode with Halls Only feedback not allowed. Operation in Position Mode with Halls Only feedback not allowed. Set your drive’s mode of operation to velocity or torqueClosedTorque is the tendency of a force to rotate an object about an axis. Just as a force is a push or a pull, a torque can be thought of as a twist when using a Halls Only feedback. Dynamic braking
F473 Wake and Shake - Insufficient movement There was less movement than defined by WS.DISTMIN. Increase WS.IMAX and/or WS.T. Or try using WS.MODE 1 or 2. Disable power stage
F475 Wake and Shake - Excess movement WS.DISTMAX has been exceeded in WS.MODE 0. Or more than 360 degrees was traveled in WS.MODE 2. Increase WS.DISTMAX value or reduce WS.IMAX or WS.T. Wake and Shake is not suported for vertical/overhung loads. Disable power stage
F476 Wake and Shake - Fine-Coarse delta too large. The angle difference between the coarse and fine calculation was larger than 72 deg. Modify WS.IMAX or WS.T and try again. Disable power stage
Wake and Shake - Over speed WS.VTHRESH was exceeded. Increase WS.VTHRESH value or reduce WS.IMAX or WS.T. Disable power stage
Wake and Shake - Loop angle delta too large. The angle between complete loops was larger than 72 deg. Modify WS.IMAX or WS.T and try again. Disable power stage
F480 Field bus command velocity too high. Fieldbus command velocity exceeds VL.LIMITP. Lower fieldbus command trajectory, or increase the value of VL.LIMITP. Disable power stage
F481 Field bus command velocity too low. Fieldbus command velocity exceeds VL.LIMITN. Increase fieldbus command trajectory, or decrease the value of VL.LIMITN. Disable power stage
F482 Wake and Shake - Commutation not initialized. The motor requires the commutation initialization (there are no encoder commutation tracks, Hall sensors, etc.) and no successful Wake and Shake sequence has been performed Clear any faults, activate the Wake and Shake procedure (WS.ARM) and enable the drive. Disable power stage
F483 Wake and Shake - Motor U phase missing. No current was detected in the motor's U phase during Wake and Shake initialization (Mode 0 only). Check the motor connections and WS.IMAX (very low current may produce this error). Disable power stage
F484 Wake and Shake - Motor V phase missing. No current was detected in the motor's V phase during Wake and Shake initialization (Mode 0 only). Check the motor connections and WS.IMAX (very low current may produce this error). Disable power stage
F485 Wake and Shake - Motor W phase missing. No current was detected in the motor's W phase during Wake and Shake initialization (Mode 0 only). Check the motor connections and WS.IMAX (very low current may produce this error). Disable power stage
F486 Input change rate exceeds maximum speed of emulated encoder. Motor velocity exceeds the maximum speed the emulated encoder output can generate. Reduce value of DRV.EMUEPULSEWIDTH. Controlled stop
F487 Wake and Shake - Validating Positive Movement Failed. After applying a positive current, motor moved in the wrong direction. Check motor phase wiring and motor encoder wiring is correct. Disable power stage
F489 Wake and Shake - Validating Negative Movement Failed. After applying a negative current, motor moved in the wrong direction. Check motor phase wiring and motor encoder wiring is correct. Disable power stage
F490 Wake and Shake - Validating Comm. angle timed out. During one of the W&S validation stages, the drive stopped responding to commands. Contact customer support. Disable power stage
F491 Wake and Shake - Validating Comm. angle moved too far - Bad Comm Angle. After applying a current, the motor moved too far (>15 electrical degrees). This indicates a poor motor phase angle was found by Wake and Shake. Revise Wake and Shake parameters, and re-run Wake and Shake. Disable power stage
F492 Wake and Shake - Validating Comm. angle required more than MOTOR.ICONT A current larger than MOTOR.ICONT was used to excite the motor. This indicates one of the following:
  1. Phase angle is incorrect due to a bad wake and shake.
  2. Motor has very high friction requiring high current to break free.
  3. Motor power cable is disconnected or improperly wired.
Disable power stage
F493 Invalid commutation detected - motor accelerating in the wrong direction. Motor phase may be incorrect. The velocity of the motor exceeded WS.CHECKV and the sign of the current was not equal to the sign of motor acceleration or the sign of motor velocity for a period of time larger than WS.CHECKT. 1. Check motor phase wiring 2. Re-configure wake and shake (if Mode 0 or 1 is used) 3. Re-run wake and shake to determine correct commutation angle Dynamic braking
n495 Failed to process recorder cogging compensation table. The drive was unable to retrieve or process the data gathered during the cogging compensation teach move. Try starting another cogging compensation teach move. Should the warning continue to appear, contact customer support. N/A
Bus over voltage. Bus voltage too high. Usually, this problem is load related. Reduce load or change motion profile. Check system regen capacity; add capacity if needed. Check mains voltage. Disable power stage
F502 Bus under voltage. Warning issued prior to fault. Bus voltage below threshold value. Check mains voltage. Controlled stop
F503 Bus capacitor overloaded. Single phase AC input on a drive only rated for three-phase input or excessive single-phase power load. Check mains voltage. Controlled stop
F504 1V2 over voltage. Internal supply voltage fault detected. Check wiring for electromagnetic compatibility (EMC). If issue persists exchange drive. Controlled stop
F505 1V2 under voltage.
F506 2V5 over voltage.
F507 2V5 under voltage.
F508 3V3 over voltage.
F509 3V3 under voltage.
F510 5V0 over voltage.
F512 5V0 under voltage.
F513 +12V0 over voltage.
F514 +12V0 under voltage.
F515 -12V0 over voltage.
F516 -12V0 under voltage.
F517 Analog 3V3 over voltage.
F518 Analog 3V3 under voltage.
F519 Regen short circuit. Regen resistor short circuit. Regen IGBT short circuit. Contact technical support. Disable power stage
Regen over power.   Too much power stored in regen resistor. Either get larger regen resistor or use DC bus sharing to dissipate power. Disable power stage
F523 Bus over voltage FPGA. Bus over voltage hard fault. Check mains voltage and check system brake capacity. Disable power stage
Drive Foldback. Maximum drive power has been exceeded. The power has been limited to protect the drive. Motion requires too much power. Change profile to reduce load . Controlled stop
F525 Output over current. Current exceeds drive peak. Check for short or feedback faults.   Disable power stage
F526 Current sensor short circuit. 1. Current sensor short circuit. 2. Motor cable plugged in upside down 1. Restart drive. If issue persists, contact technical support. 2. Plug in cable right-side up. Disable power stage
F527 Iu current AD converter stuck. Hardware failure detected. Restart drive. If issue persists, contact technical support. Disable power stage
F528 Iv current AD converter stuck. Hardware failure detected. Restart drive. If issue persists, contact technical support. Disable power stage
F529 Iu current offset limit exceeded. Hardware failure detected. Restart drive. If issue persists, contact technical support. Disable power stage
F530 Iv current offset limit exceeded. Hardware failure detected. Restart drive. If issue persists, contact technical support. Disable power stage
F531 Power stage fault. Hardware failure detected. Restart drive. If issue persists, replace drive. Disable power stage
F532 Drive motor parameters setup incomplete. Before a motor can be enabled, you must configure a minimum set of parameters. These parameters have not been configured. Issue the command DRV.SETUPREQLIST to display the list of the parameters that you must configure. Configure these parameters either manually or automatically. You can manually configure these parameters in three ways: (1) set each parameter individually; (2) use the setup wizard to select the motor; or (3) select the motor type from the motor data base in the Motor window (MOTOR.AUTOSET must be set to 0 (off)). If you use the Motor window, you must first select the feedback type. If the motor has Biss Analog, Endat, or SFD feedback (feedback with memory), then these parameters are set automatically when MOTOR.AUTOSET is set to 1 (on). Disable power stage
F534 Failed to read motor parameters from feedback device. Motor either does not have motor feedback memory, or the motor feedback memory is not programmed properly so the parameters cannot be read. Try to read parameters again by clicking the Disable and Clear Faults button, or by issuing the DRV.CLRFAULTS command. If this attempt is not successful, then set MOTOR.AUTOSET to 0 (off) and program the parameters using the setup wizard or manually set up the parameters. If the motor has motor memory (Biss Analog, Endat, and SFD motors have motor memory), return the motor to have the memory programmed. Dynamic braking
F535 Power-board over-temperature fault. The power-board temperature sensor indicates more than 85 °C. Reduce the load of the drive or ensure better cooling. Disable power stage
F536 Standby power supply fault. Standby voltage circuit overloaded. Check total 24 V power load of AKD-N in the strings (sum of drive and motor brake supply). The AKD-C must be power-cycled to recover from this fault. Disable Drives
F537 Precharge fault. Precharge process could not be performed in a reasonable amount of time. Look for a shortcut in the string (cable) or exchange hardware Disable Drives and Unpower Strings



AC input phase 1 missing. Mains supply failure detected, phase L1 missed on AKD-C. Check power connector and power source. Disable Drives and Unpower Strings



AC input phase 2 missing. Mains supply failure detected, phase L2 missed on AKD-C. Check power connector and power source. Disable Drives and Unpower Strings



AC input phase 3 missing. Mains supply failure detected, phase L3 missed on AKD-C. Check power connector and power source. Disable Drives and Unpower Strings
F545 String current over peak limit String current is higher than AKD-C Rated Peak Current. Lower AKD-N current limits to prevent overdrawing AKD-C current Disable Drives and Unpower Strings
F546 String current over continuous limit String current is higher than AKD-C Rated Continuous Current (I²T). Lower AKD-N current limits to prevent overdrawing AKD-C current Disable Drives and Unpower Strings
F560 Regen near capacity, could not prevent over voltage. An F501 Bus Over Voltage has occurred while the Regen Resistor was at or above 75% of its dissipation capacity. Increase the size of regen resistor to be able to dissipate more power. Disable power stage
F561 More than 8 AKD-Ns connected at string2 Too many drives on string 2. Reduce NSDs on String 2 to 8 or less Disable Drives and Unpower Strings
F562 More than 8 AKD-Ns connected at string1 Too many drives on string 1. Reduce NSDs on String 1 to 8 or less Disable Drives and Unpower Strings
F564 Number of connected nodes on string 1 has decreased. Drive has been removed from string 1. Investigate AKD-N Ethercat communication, determine where network connection failed. Disable Drives and Unpower Strings
F565 Number of connected nodes on string 2 has decreased. Drive has been removed from string 2. Investigate AKD-N Ethercat communication, determine where network connection failed. Disable Drives and Unpower Strings



Phase loss. Phase loss detected on HV48. Check mains power voltage. Fault action configurable by FAULT570.ACTION. Disable power stage
n582 Velocity has been limited commutation speed to less than 600Hz to meet ECCN 3A225 requirements. Motor Velocity has exceeded the allowed commutation speed (599Hz). Refer to ECCN 3A225 Limitations for Induction Motors. Velocity command will be clamped at ECCN 3A225 regulation.



Incorrect hall state sequencing. Halls sensor is wired incorrectly. Check cable wiring for halls sensor and clear the fault. Dynamic braking
F587 Loss of all AC input phases. Mains supply failure detected. Check power connector and power source. Disable Drives and Unpower Strings
n601 ModbusClosedModBus is a serial communications protocol and is now the most commonly available means of connecting industrial electronic devices. ModBus is often used to connect a supervisory computer with a remote terminal unit in supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) systems. Versions of the ModBus protocol exist for serial port and Ethernet (it is widely used with TCP/IP over Ethernet) data rate is too high. Modbus controller data rate is too high. Reduce data rate. Disable power stage
Safe torque off. Safe torque off function has been triggered. Reapply supply voltage to STO if safe to do so. Disable power stage
n603 OPMODE incompatible with CMDSOURCE This warning is generated when the drive is enabled and the gearing command source is selected at the same time as torque or velocity op-mode. Select a different DRV.OPMODE and DRV.CMDSOURCE combination. Disable power stage
n604 EMUEMODE incompatible with DRV.HANDWHEELSRC. Emulated encode mode is incompatible with the selected handwheel. source. Select a compatible emulated encode mode or change handwheel source. Disable power stage
F621 Control Board CRC fault. Communications with the Power Board Failed DRV.CLRFAULTS. If issue persists, contact technical support. Disable power stage
F623 Power Board CRC fault.
F624 Power Board Watchdog fault.
F625 Power Board Communication fault.
F626 Power Board FPGA not configured.
F627 Control Board Watchdog fault.
F628 AKD-C Front door packet not received on String 1. A data packet has not been received by the AKD-N or AKD-C (String 1) Check cables and clear the fault. Disable Drives and Unpower Strings
F629 AKD-C Front door packet not received on String 2. A data packet has not been received by the AKD-C (String 2) Check cables and clear the fault. Disable Drives and Unpower Strings
F630 FPGA cyclic read fault. FPGA-to-firmware data access error. DRV.CLRFAULTS. If issue persists, contact technical support. Disable power stage
F631 Issue command timed out. Processing a command took longer than the command timeout (10-60 sec depending on the command). Try reducing the CPU load of the drive by deactivating unused features or changing the fieldbus cycle time. Controlled stop
F634 Regen test failed. The test for the regen resistor failed. Check cabling of regen resistor and run REGEN.TEST command again. Disable power stage
F701 Fieldbus RuntimeClosedIn computer science, runtime (or run-time) describes the operation of a computer program, the duration of its execution, from beginning to termination (compare compile time). Within KAS, runtime also refers to the virtual machine that manage the program written in a computer language while it is running. Runtime communication fault. Check fieldbus connections (X11), settings, and control unit. Controlled stop
Fieldbus Communication lost.   All fieldbus communication was lost. Check fieldbus connections (X11), settings, and control unit. Controlled stop
F703 Emergency timeout occurred. Motor did not stop in the timeout defined. Change timeout value, change stop parameters, improve tuning. Disable power stage



Fieldbus cyclic setpoints missing. Fieldbus master has stop sending setpoints within a certain timeout values. Check the fieldbus connection and wiring. Controlled stop