Function BlockMC_CreateAxesGrpPLCopen motion iconPipe Network motion icon


MC_CreateAxesGrp creates an axes group for coordinated motion. More than one axes group may be created and be active at the same time but each axis can only be a part of one group at a time.

Example of a valid setup:

AxesGroup1: Axis0, Axis1, Axis2
AxesGroup2: Axis3, Axis4

Example of an invalid setup:

AxesGroup1: Axis0, Axis1, Axis2
AxesGroup2: Axis2, Axis3, Axis4

The invalid setup is not allowed because Axis2 would be a part of two axes groups at the same time.

If an axis needs to be in more than one group, it can be removed from one and then added to another group. This is done using MC_RemAxisFromGrp and MC_AddAxisToGrp.

Figure 7-152: MC_CreateAxesGrp

Related Function Blocks

MC_InitAxesGrp, MC_ErrorDescription

Coordinated Motion, the top-level topic for Coordinated Motion.


For more detail on how inputs and outputs work, refer to PLCopen Function Blocks - General Rules.


Execute Description On the rising edgeClosedA rising edge is the transition of a digital signal from low to high. It is also called positive edge, this function block will create a coordinated motion axes group
  Data Type BOOL
  Range 0, 1
  Unit N/A
Name Description Axes Group Name
  Data Type STRING
  Range String length from 1 to 64 characters. The string length is limited to 64 characters for optimal controller performance.
  Unit N/A
UpdateRate Description

Update rate of the axes group. The group update rate will be the same as the Base Period specified in MLMotionInit. The update rate will run at the Base Period if it is a smaller time than the Base Period.

(0, 1, and 2 are reserved for future enhancements)
3 = 125 μsec
4 = 250 μsec
5 = 500 μsec
6 = 1 msec
7 = 2 msec
8 = 4 msec
9 = 8 msec

  Data Type UINT
  Range [3,9]
  Unit N/A
MaxNumberOfAxes Description The maximum number of axes that can be controlled by the group.
  Data Type UINT
  Range [2,256]
  Unit N/A
AxesGroupRef Description The axes group reference variable to be initialized with a reference to the new axes group.
  Range N/A
  Unit N/A


Done Description

If True, then the command completed successfully.

  Date Type BOOL
Error Description

If True, then an error has occurred.

  Date Type BOOL
ErrorID Description Indicates the error if Error output is set to TRUE. See the table in PLCopen Function Block ErrorID Output.
  Date Type INT


Calls to this function block are automatically generated when the application is compiled. Users should not manually call this function block.

Structured Text

Inst_MC_CreateAxesGrp( DoExecute, 'Group1', UpdateRate_3, MaxAxes, Group1_Ref);

Instruction List

            BEGIN_ILClosed"Instruction list"
This is a low-level language and resembles assembly
     CAL Inst_MC_CreateAxesGrp1(DoExecute, 'Group1', UpdateRate_3, MaxAxes, Group1_Ref)

Function Block Diagram

Ladder Diagram

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