Common Axis Parameters

Three types of axes are available: Servo/Stepper, Digitizing and Virtual . All types have common parameters related to an axis.

PLCopen Axis Parameters

Figure 4-20: PLCopen Axis Parameters

Parameter Description
Name The user-defined name of the axis. The name can consist of 1-16 alphanumeric characters. Spaces are not allowed in the name. The Axis Name identifies the axis displayed in the Project Tree and in the Simulator.

With a Servo/Stepper axis, commands are sent to the axis and feedback is read from the axis. After selecting this option you will need to define the Axis Data Parameters and Axis Limits Parameters.

A Digitizing axis contains position feedback data only, no motion can be commanded. Digitizing axes can use extra or secondary feedback from the Drive or from a third-party EtherCATClosed ***EtherCAT is an open, high-performance Ethernet-based fieldbus system. The development goal of EtherCAT was to apply Ethernet to automation applications which require short data update times (also called cycle times) with low communication jitter (for synchronization purposes) and low hardware costs feedback deviceClosed A process whereby some proportion of the output signal of a system is passed (fed back) to the input. In automation, a device coupled to each motor to provide indication of the motor's shaft angle, for use in commutating the motor and controlling its speed and position. Selecting a third-party EtherCAT feedback device will require you to enter EtherCAT Bus data (see Digitizing Axis Parameters) which will vary depending upon your EtherCAT devices. Also see How To Create a Digitizing Axis for specifics on different methods.

A Virtual axis is an axis with no feedback or drive hardware. The feedback for a virtual axis is automatically generated from the command position. There is no limit to the number of virtual axes that may be used in an application.

Number The axis number (1-256) specifies the axis for PLCopenClosed A vendor -and product- independent worldwide association active in Industrial Control and aiming at standardizing PLC file formats based on XML motion function blocks.