Graphic Objects Properties

This page details all possible properties for graphic objects. Refer to the list of available objects for further information on which property is used for which object.

  • Double-click an object to open the Graphic Item Properties dialog box.
    This dialog lists the properties particular to that object.



Action (switch)

Indicates the possible mouse action for switches.

Possible values are:

  • STATIC = no mouse action.
  • PUSHBUTTON = the variable is forced to TRUE when pressed and FALSE when released.
  • SWITCH = the status of the variable is inverted when the button is pressed.
  • ONESHOTBUTTON = same as switch, but the display continues to appear released.

Action (text)

Indicates the possible mouse actions for text boxes.

Possible values are:

  • STATIC = no mouse action.
  • EDIT = double-click opens an edit box for entering the variable value.

Aspect (digits)

Indicates the type of drawing for a digital meter.

Possible aspects are:

  • DEFAULT = plain drawing.
  • BEZEL = all segments have a 3D effect.

Aspect (shapes)

Indicates the type of basic shape to be drawn.

Possible aspects are:

  • CYLINDER = a 3D like cylinder.
  • ELLIPSE = an ellipse.
  • GATE = a simple vector drawing for a valve.
  • HALFELLIPSE = one half of an ellipse.
  • RECTANGLE = a rectangle.
  • ROUNDRECT = a rectangle with rounded corners.
  • TRIANGLE = a triangle

Aspect (switches)

Indicates the type of switch to be drawn.

Possible aspects are:

  • DEFAULT = a standard Windows-like push button.
  • CUSTOM = a button with TRUE and FALSE drawings defined with bitmaps.

Aspect (trend charts)

This property indicates the type of drawing for a trend chart.

Possible aspects are:

  • POINT = only relevant dots are drawn.
  • LINE = lines are drawn from point to point.
  • HISTO = histogram style.

Background color

Indicates the color used for filling the background of the object.

In case of a bitmap, it specifies the color that must not be drawn if the TRANS (transparent) background mode is specified.

Background mode

Indicates whether the background of the object must be filled or not.

  • If this property is:
    • OPAQUE, the background is filled with the specified background color.
    • TRANS (transparent), the background is not filled.
      • Transparent drawing mode can be useful in the case of overlapping objects.

  • Specifying the TRANS (transparent) mode for large bitmaps is time-consuming and affects the real-time performances of graphic updates.

Bitmap display mode

For bitmap-based objects, this indicates whether the attached bitmap must keep its original aspect or be stretched to the actual size of the object.

Possible values are:

  • ORIGINAL = keep the original aspect of the bitmap (cut if too large).
  • STRETCH = stretch or shrink the bitmap for fitting the actual size of the graphic object.

  • Large bitmaps with STRETCH display mode are time-consuming during animation and can lead to poor performance.

Bitmap for "FALSE" state

For two-state objects with the CUSTOM aspect, this specifies the pathname of the bitmap to display when the value of the attached variable is FALSE (or zero for analogs).

Bitmap for "TRUE" state

For two-state objects with the CUSTOM aspect, this specifies the pathname of the bitmap to display when the value of the attached variable is TRUE (or not zero for analogs).

  • BMP, GIF, and JPG formats are supported.
  • If no directory is specified, the specified file name is searched:
    • in the project folder.
    • in the \BITMAP\ folder of the KAS-IDE.

Bitmap pathname

For bitmaps, this specifies the pathname of the bitmap to be displayed.

  • BMP, GIF, and JPG formats are supported.
  • If no directory is specified, the specified file name is searched:
    • in the project folder.
    • in the \BITMAP\ folder of the KAS-IDE.

Border color

Indicates the color of the border drawn around the object.

Border size

Indicates the width of the border drawn around the object, expressed as a number of pixels.

If this property is 0 (zero), no border is drawn.

Border style

Indicates the possible 3D effect used for drawing the border around the object.

Possible values are:

  • 3D = default 3D effect
  • 3DDOWN = pressed 3D effect.
  • 3DUP = depressed 3D effect.
  • FLAT = no 3D effect.

Color when not connected

For shapes, this indicates the color used for filling shapes when no variable is attached to the graphic object.

Data color

Indicates the color used to represent the value of a connected variable within the object (e.g., the filled part of a bar graph).

Data format

If defined, this indicates that the value of the connected variable must be displayed on the graphic object.

This property requires a specified format string that indicates how the data is to be formatted.

  • The "text" property is ignored when a data format is specified.

Format string has the same format as the printf function of "C" language.

It can include static characters together with one of these possible pragmas that specify the value:




Displayed String




Var = %g meters


Var = 1.2 meters




Direction (bar graph)

For bar graphs, this indicates the growing direction: to the left, right, top, or bottom.

Direction (basic shapes)

For oriented shapes such as triangles, half ellipses or cylinders, this indicates the direction of the drawing: to the left, right, top, or bottom.

Direction (scale)

For scales, this indicates the direction of the axis.

  • If LEFT, the minimum value is on the left side.
  • If RIGHT, the minimum value is on the right side.

Direction (slider)

For slider, this indicates whether the slider is horizontal (RIGHT) or vertical (TOP).

FALSE color

For shapes, this indicates the color used for filling shapes when the attached variable has the FALSE state, or zero for analogs.

Font name

Indicates the name of the character font used for drawing texts in the graphic object.

Font size

Indicates the size of the character font used for drawing texts in the graphic object.

  • The size is expressed as a percentage of the actual height of the object.
  • Maximum possible value is 100.
    • This ensures that the ratio is kept when the object is resized.


Freely attach a text identifier to each graphic object inserted in a document.

Identifiers are useful for arranging overlapped objects as they appear in the Z-order list.


Indicates the name of the target .

  • GRA animated document for shortcuts.
  • If no directory is specified in the link, the file is searched in the project folder.

Maximum value

For analog animated objects (e.g., meters, bar graphs, or trends) this indicates the maximum possible value that can be displayed.

For static scales, it indicates the value of the highest mark.

Minimum value

For analog animated objects (e.g., meters, bar graphs or trends) this indicates the minimum possible value that can be displayed.

For static scales, it indicates the value of the lowest mark.

Nb divisions (main)

For objects including a graphic scale, this indicates the number of main division marks to be drawn in the scale.

Nb divisions (small)

For objects including a graphic scale, this indicates the number of small division marks to be drawn in the scale, between each main division mark.

Nb of points (trends)

For trend charts, this indicates the maximum number of stored points.

If the width of the object (in pixels) is less than this number, then oldest points are not visible.

Needle color

For gauges, this is the color of the needle.

Placement (scale)

For scales, this indicates the location of the scale within the object rectangle: on the left, right, top, or bottom.

Scale color

For objects including a graphic scale, this indicates the color used for drawing the axis, the division marks, and corresponding values of the scale.

Spying delay

It is the minimum period for actuating the value of the connected variable, expressed as a number of milliseconds.

If the delay is not specified or equal to 0 (zero), refresh is done as fast as possible.


If defined, this indicates the text displayed on the graphic object.

  • This property is ignored when a data format is specified.

Text color

Indicates the color used for inserting texts in the graphic object.

Text mode

Indicates the font effect used for drawing texts in the graphic object.

Possible values are:

  • BOLD = bold text.
  • HIDE = text is not displayed.
  • ITALIC = italic text.
  • NORMAL = normal font.
  • UNDERLINE = underlined text


For gauges, this is the text shown in the tile

Title color

For gauges, this is the color of the title text.

Title placement

For gauges, this is the position of the title within the gauge.

TRUE color

For shapes, this indicates the color used for filling shapes when the attached variable has the TRUE state, or non zero for analogs.

Variable symbol

This is the full name of the application variable connected to the graphic object.

In case of a local variable, its symbol must be prefixed with the parent program name, separated with "/".

Example: MyProg/MyVar