AKD2G Safety Parametrization Using FSoE with SCU-1-EC and PxMM / PCMM2G

The safety features in the AKD2G safety drive (Basic and Advanced) can be activated through either Fail Safe over EtherCAT (FSoE) or digital input or both.

The source of activation is configured inside the safety parameters and it needs to match the system requirements.

This topic describes how to configure and enable safety functions through BBH’s SafePLC and KAS-IDE applications.



  • SCU-1-EC (BBH FSoE Master).
  • Kollmorgen controller (AKD PDMM, PCMM, or PCMM2G).
  • AKD2G safety drive.



These steps are for safety parameterization via the direct method using the KAS-IDE and BBH SafePLC2 software.

  1. Create a PLCopen-based project in the KAS-IDE.
  2. Scan the EtherCAT network.
  3. Configure the safety modules for the AKD2G devices.
    • Choose either the SRA Parameters or SRA Parameters configure via WorkBench module, based on the application need.
  4. When using SRA Parameters, add the FSoEParamsInit function block to the project.
    This function block enables the controller to read the safety parameters from the FSoE Master (SCU-1-EC) and write them to the AKD2G.
  5. Follow either of these procedures:
    If SafePLC2 is installed on the same computer, use SafePLC2 Projects.
    If SafePLC2 is installed on a different computer than the KAS-IDE, use SafePLC2 Projects.
  6. Compile and download the SafePLC application to the BBH safety master (SCU-1-EC) and run the application.
  7. Compile the KAS-IDE project.
  8. Run the compiled KAS application.
  9. Execute the FSoEParamsInit function block when the application is ready and EtherCAT is in OP state.

See Also