Troubleshooting FSoE Safety Parameters
This operation requires proper configuration of the FSoE master, FSoE safety devices, and the EtherCAT master (the AKD PDMM or PCMM).
First, check the ErrorID output of FSoEParamsInit.
There are some common failure cases that can be identified from the ErrorID values and the controller log messages.
The Safety parameters can only be sent after the EtherCAT network state is in op-mode. To verify EtherCAT is ready:
This error is generated if the argument specified for FSoEParamsInit's FSoEMasterAddress is not an FSoE master.
This can occur if the FSoE master is not responding or is not configured properly.
If FSoeParamsInit(...) is successful but the AKD2G Safety State does not reach 6 - Normal operation, then the CRC expected by the AKD2G SMM does not match the CRC sent by the FSoE master.
- Use WorkBench or the KAS-IDE's integrated WorkBench (Configuration tab for the AKD2G) to diagnose.
- Click the Safety item in the status bar.
The AKD2G has two options for configuring safety parameters.
These are determined by selecting the modules associated with the AKD2G in the KAS-IDE Project Tree.
- If the modules are set for Workbench Parameters, the FSoE master cannot set the AKD2G’s safety parameters.
- The WorkBench Parameter modules are set by default when the AKD2G is scanned and discovered.
- The modules must be changed to accept the parameter from the Safety Maser to use FSoEParamsInit.
- This image shows the appropriate modules for using FSoEParamsInit with AKD2G.
Additionally, the AKD2G profile in the SafePLC2 project should be set to FSx Axis Y in order to send the parameters to the AKD2G.
This can occur in two situations:
- If the FSoE safety parameters have been previously configured correctly.
- If the FSoE master has not been configured properly.
FSoEParamsInit only initializes safety parameters if the FSoE master determines there are parameters to set in the safety device(s).
Check the FSoE master configuration using the vendor’s software.
Example: With the BBH SCU-1-EC FSoE master, use the SafePLC2 software.
See Also