Modify PLCopen Axis

A PLCopen axis can be modified by using the PLCopen Axis Data dialog.

  1. In the Project Explorer, double-click a PLCopen axis.
  2. Right-click the PLCopen axis in the project manager and select Properties in the menu.
    PLCopen Axis Context Menu
  3. Figure 1: PLCopen Axis Context Menu

    The PLCopen Axis Data dialog opens:
    PLCopen Axis Data Dialog

    Figure 2: PLCopen Axis Data dialog

Axis Name and Number

The PLCopen Axis Name and Number in the PLCopen Axis Data dialog are automatically applied to the PLCopen instance of an AXIS_REF structure under Global variables in the Dictionary when the project is compiled.

The PLCopen.XXXXXX_ref (MyAxis1 in this example) instance can be used in the PLC programs:

See AXIS_REF Structure.