Direct Method Connection

This method is used when SafePLC2 is installed on the same computer as the KAS-IDE.

The procedure assumes you have already added a SafePLC2 project to the KAS project tree (see Direct Method Connection).

  1. Double-click on the SafePLC2 node.
    Alternatively, right-click on SafePLC2 and select Open SafePLC2.
  2. SafePLC2 and the Safety Project open.
    SafePLC2 automatically populates the safety devices from the EtherCAT Safe topology defined in the KAS-IDE.
  3. Complete and save the SafePLC2 Safety Project.
  4. Compile the Safety Project and download it to the SCU1 controller.
  5. Return to the KAS-IDE to complete and compile the project.

    The KAS-IDE automatically creates the required black channel communication required for FSoE from the connected module information passed to the KAS-IDE from SafePLC2.

  6. Download the compiled KAS application to the controller and run it.
    • The Black Channel will establish the Safety network connection when EtherCAT goes into the operational state.
    • The SCU transitions to Run mode.

    • The KAS project supports a single SafePLC2 instance and project.
    • The SafePLC2 node cannot be deleted while the application is running.
    • The KAS-IDE cannot be closed while SafePLC2 is running with a synchronized project.

See Also

AKD2G Safety Parametrization Using FSoE with SCU-1-EC and PxMM / PCMM2G