EtherCAT Function Blocks that Work with Drive Parameters

These function blocks are used to work with drive parameters not supported by ML and MC function blocks.

  • They support reading and writing drive parameters using the non-cyclic SDO channel in the EtherCAT network.
  • The ASCII name for the parameter is used as an input.

Execution Time

These function blocks typically take a longer time to execute (up to ten cycles to finish executing).
It takes the same amount of time to Read or Write a parameter.


It is not only linked to the ASCII SDO communication. Because these FBs are waiting for the AKD drive to responds, the execution time can also increase due to the load of the AKD firmware at the time you call them.


The PLC code is overrunning the cycle duration. as explained in Tasking Model / Scheduling.
As a consequence, you can see this message in the Controller Log window:

The Virtual Machine missed 1 cycle(s) of PLC execution.


When this happens we recommend:

  • Use these function blocks sparingly in programs
  • Rely on the EtherCAT read/write SDO function blocks (ECATReadSdo, ECATReadSdoData, ECATWriteSdo, and ECATWriteSdoData) whenever possible
  • Smooth the load of the PLC code by executing these function blocks at the required update rate.