Overtravel Conditions

The PLCopenClosed A vendor -and product- independent worldwide association active in Industrial Control and aiming at standardizing PLC file formats based on XML. and Pipe Network motion engines can respond to overtravel conditions from the AKD and AKD2G driveClosed In electrical engineering, a drive is an electronic device to provide power to a motor or servo. Control device for regulating the speed, torque and position of a motor. A unit controlling a motor using the current and timing in its coils. family.


Configuring Generation 1 AKD Drives

When using generation 1 AKD drives, bit 14 of the parameter FBUS.PARAM05 must be set high to allow KAS-IDEClosed Kollmorgen Automation Suite - Integrated Development Environment to respond to the hardware limit switches.


If FBUS.PARAM05 originally had a value of 0, typing FBUS.PARAM05 16384 would turn on bit 14. Remember to save your drive parameters to flash memory once bit 14 is set, otherwise the behavior will turn off once the drive is power cycled.

Coordinated Motion Behavior

An axis that is part of an axes group issues an emergency stop on the axes group when it experiences an overtravel condition. All axes remain enabled under servo control once the emergency stop action completes. This action puts the axes group into an error state.

To recover from this state:

  1. Call MC_GrpReset on the axes group
  2. Check the states of the I/O points configured for the positiveClosed Position means a point in space which is described by different coordinates. Depending on the used system and transformation it can consist of a maximum of six dimensions (coordinates).This means three Cartesian coordinates in space and coordinates for the orientation. In ACS there can be even more than six coordinates. If the same position is described in different coordinate systems the values of the coordinates are different. and negative limit switches on the drives associated with the axes to figure out which axis and which limit switch cause the error.
  3. Command motion in the direction opposite to what was previously commanded.

Pipe Network Behavior

A Pipe Network axis issues a stop action on the axis when it experiences an overtravel condition.

To recover from this state, call MLAxisReAlign to realign the axis with the pipe. See the page Restarting Motion with Pipe Network to understand how to accomplish this.

PLCopen Behavior

A PLCopen axis issues an emergency stop of the axis when it experiences an overtravel condition.

  • The axis remains enabled under servo control once the emergency stop action completes.
  • This action puts the axis into the ErrorStop state.
  • See PLCopen State Machine.

To recover from this state:

  1. Call MC_ResetError on the axis.
  2. Command motion in the direction opposite to what was previously commanded.

    If you are uncertain about which direction the axis was traveling in, check the states of the I/O points configured for the positive and negative limit switches on the drive.