Function Block A function block groups an algorithm and a set of private data. It has inputs and outputs. - Homing The Homing procedure allows, based on a position measurement, to set a position offset to the motor in order to ensure it is physically at the home position by setting Actual Position to the position of the feedback.
Input |
Data Type |
Range |
Unit |
Default |
Description |
En |
No range |
N/A |
No default |
Enables execution. Used in the FFLD "Free Form Ladder Diagram" editor only. |
Execute |
0, 1 |
N/A |
No default |
Request the homing step procedure at the rising edge A rising edge is the transition of a digital signal from low to high. It is also called positive edge. |
AxisID |
1, 256 |
N/A |
No default |
Name of a declared instance of the AXIS_REF library function. See AXIS_REF Structure for more information. |
Mode |
0, 1 |
N/A |
No default |
Define the actual position assignment source.
Output |
Data Type |
Range |
Unit |
Description |
Done |
N/A |
Indicates the move completed successfully. |
Busy |
N/A |
High from the moment the Execute input goes high until the time the move is ended. |
Active |
N/A |
Indicates this move is the Active move. |
CommandAborted |
N/A |
Indicates the move was aborted. |
Error |
N/A |
Indicates either:
ErrorID |
N/A |
Indicates the error if the Error output is set to TRUE. 1 = Desired SetPosition is outside of Rollover period. |
- Performs a static homing function by setting Actual Position to the position of an absolute encoder.
- No physical motion is performed in this mode.
- Equivalent to MC_SetPosition is performed with SetPosition coming from absolute encoder reading but with the option of using the once per rev feedback value.
This image shows the function or function block I/O.
Figure 6-98: MCFB_StepAbsolute
FBD Language Example
FFLD Language Example
IL Language Example
Not available.
ST Language Example
//Write current once per rev feedback position to overall axis position
MCFB_StepAbsolute( ExecuteHome, Axis1, ModeHome );
See Also