Function Block A function block groups an algorithm and a set of private data. It has inputs and outputs. - Homing The Homing procedure allows, based on a position measurement, to set a position offset to the motor in order to ensure it is physically at the home position to a zero angle reference.
Input |
Data Type |
Range |
Unit |
Default |
Description |
Execute |
0, 1 |
N/A |
No default |
Request the homing step procedure at the rising edge A rising edge is the transition of a digital signal from low to high. It is also called positive edge. |
AxisID |
1, 256 |
N/A |
No default |
Name of a declared instance of the AXIS_REF library function. See AXIS_REF Structure for more information. |
Direction |
0, 1 |
N/A |
No default |
Defines the axis homing direction.
SwitchMode |
0, 3 |
N/A |
No default |
Switch state to complete homing.
Velocity |
No range |
User unit/sec |
No default |
Commanded velocity for the homing move. |
Acceleration |
No range |
User unit/sec2 |
No default |
Commanded acceleration for the homing move. |
Deceleration |
No range |
User unit/sec2 |
No default |
Commanded deceleration for the homing move. |
No range |
User unit/sec3 |
No default |
Commanded jerk In physics, jerk is the rate of change of acceleration; more precisely, the derivative of acceleration with respect to time for the homing move. If 0 (zero), trapezoidal acc/dec is used. |
SetPosition |
No range |
User units |
No default |
Value of the absolute position to be set when the homing move is done. |
TorqueLimit |
No range |
User units |
No default |
Maximum torque Torque is the tendency of a force to rotate an object about an axis. Just as a force is a push or a pull, a torque can be thought of as a twist applied for the homing move.
TimeLimit |
No range |
Sec |
No default |
Maximum time for homing move to complete.
DistanceLimit |
No range |
User units |
No default |
Maximum distance for homing move to complete.
BufferMode |
0, 5 |
N/A |
No default |
Define the homing move start action.
Output |
Data Type |
Range |
Unit |
Description |
Done |
N/A |
Indicates the move completed successfully. |
Busy |
N/A |
High from the moment the Execute input goes high until the time the move is ended. |
Active |
N/A |
Indicates this move is the Active move. |
CommandAborted |
N/A |
Indicates the move was aborted. |
Error |
N/A |
Indicates either:
ErrorID |
N/A |
Indicates the error if the Error output is set to TRUE. Error identifier:
- This function modifies actual position and sets to the SetPosition input value at the end.
- Performs homing by searching for Zero pulse in encoder.
- The pulse appears once per encoder revolution.
- The advantage in using Reference Pulse for homing is the higher accuracy and precision achieved compared to traditional optical, mechanical, or magnetic sensors.
This image shows the function or function block I/O.
Figure 6-102: MCFB_StepRefPulse
- Home is commanded by the user in the designated homing direction at the selected or programmed Velocity.
- First occurrence of the Reference Pulse, Homing is finished.
- The Torque Torque is the tendency of a force to rotate an object about an axis. Just as a force is a push or a pull, a torque can be thought of as a twist is limited.
- Time and Distance Limits can cause an error if exceeded.
- It is common that a first approach is performed against a mechanical sensor A sensor is a type of transducer that converts one type of energy into another for various purposes including measurement or information transfer at higher velocity, and after a Reference Pulse, at a lower velocity.
- This is a traditional 2-Step homing (Coarse by external Switch in reverse and Fine by Reference Pulse in forward).
FBD Language Example
FFLD Language Example
IL Language Example
Not available.
Structured Text
PositiveDirection :=0;
Velocity :=10000.0;
SetPosition :=0.0;
TorqueLimit :=50.0;
TimeLimit :=T#10s;
DistanceLimit :=10000.0;
Inst_MCFB_StepRefPulse( True, Axis1, PositiveDirection, Velocity, 1000, 1000, 0, SetPosition, TorqueLimit, TimeLimit, DistanceLimit, 0 );
HomeComplete :=Inst_MCFB_StepRefPulse.Done;
HomeBusy :=Inst_MCFB_StepRefPulse.Busy;
HomeActive :=Inst_MCFB_StepRefPulse.Active;
HomeAborted :=Inst_MCFB_StepRefPulse.CommandAborted;
HomeError :=Inst_MCFB_StepRefPulse.Error;
HomeErrorID :=Inst_MCFB_StepRefPulse.ErrorID;
See Also