Boot Sequence

  • The controller may be booted with or without an Ethernet cable attached.

These are the controller boot sequences:

When the controller is booted with a cable attached, the configured IP address (depending upon the current position of the rotary switch) appears in the 7-segment display.

  • See View the Controller IP Address for more information.
  • If the controller is started without a network connection then the IP address is not displayed.
  • After the boot sequence is successful, the controller is in one of two modes:

Normal operation.

Recovery Mode (if firmware download is permitted).

AKD PDMM or PCMM Boot Sequence

This is the boot sequence for either the AKD PDMM or PCMM:




Hardware Power ON

The controller option card has power.

Stage 0

This is reached after the I2C is initialized.

Stage 1

This is reached after the DDR3 ram memory is initialized.

Stage 2

This is reached just after the RAM memory relocation.
At this point the boot is running in DDR3 RAM memory.

Stage 3

Reached after the flash memory is initialized.

Controller Boot Startup Script

After all the previous steps, the startup script starts automatically.

QNX startup

This is reached after the Boot startup script is finished.


This is reached after:

  • Specific configuration parameters of the target are loaded.
  • The network is started using the Controller Rotary Switch.

PCMM2G Boot Sequence

These are the boot sequences of the PCMM2G:

Internal Flash




Hardware Power ON

PCMM2G has power.

Stage 1

Bootloader completed.

Starting U-Boot.

Stage 2

U-Boot succeeded.

Starting Linux Kernel.

Stage 3

Linux Kernel is up.

PCMM2G processes Initializing.

Stage 4


  • KAS Runtime process monitor.
  • KAS Runtime.

Final Stage

Runtime started.

Recovery USB Drive

See PCMM2G Web server Recovery.




Hardware Power ON

PCMM2G has power.

Stage 1

Starting U-Boot from recovery USB drive.

Stage 2

U-Boot succeeded.

Starting Linux Kernel.

Stage 3

Linux Kernel is up.

PCMM2G processes Initializing.

Stage 4


  • KAS Runtime process monitor.
  • KAS Runtime.

Final Stage

Recovery runtime started.