Safety Functions Option 2 (I/O, FSoE, SIL3 PLe)

The safety functions on the AKD2G with functional safety option 2 are certified.

The drive is ready to operate with pre-configured STO function.

Each safety function can either be activated through FSoE or digital input or both. Configure the source of activation inside the safety parameters so it matches the system requirements.

The user must review the default setting and check if it matches his requirements. In case it doesn't match, the safety parameters need to be adapted and validated.

For digital I/O commanding use WorkBench to map safety functions to safe I/Os.

With FSoE the safety functions can be activated by using the safePLC of the FSoE Master.

With dual axis drives every safety function can be activated for one axis or for both axes (axis 1 or axis 2 or axes 1&2).

The systematic safety integrity indicated by the systematic capability can be achieved only when the instructions and constraints are observed. Where violations occur, the claim for systematic capability is partially or wholly invalid.




ISO 13849:2015

Safety of machinery: Safety-related parts of control systems

IEC 62061:2015

Functional safety of electrical/electronic/programmable electronic safety-related systems

Available Safety Functions

Activation and reachable Performance level / Category (see "Activation by FSoE").

Abbr. Function


Refer to


Safe Torque Off

Safe Stop

(see "STO (Safe Torque Off)")


Safe Stop 1, time based

Safe Stop

(see "SS1-t (Safe Stop 1)")


Safe Brake Control

Safe Stop

(see "SBC (Safe Brake Control)")


Safe Brake Test

Safe Stop

(see "SBT (Safe Brake Test)")


Safe Dynamic Brake

Safe Stop

(see "SDB (Safe Dynamic Brake)")

Rotary switches S1/S2 and push-buttons B1/B2

Switches and buttons in the device front Rotary switches (S1, S2) are used to set the SafeID SafeID.