Fast Inputs with Pipe Network Motion

  • For the Axis and Trigger Pipe Network blocks, see MLAxisCfgFastIn.
    This function arms a Fast Input and returns the latched timestamp when the Fast Input event occurs.

Registration Operation

Related FB (Trigger FB)

Homing Operation

Related FB (Axis FB)







When the input is triggered, the timestamp is latched.

  • With EtherCAT, the timestamp sent to the KAS-IDE via the MLAxisTimeStamp or MLTrigReadTime function blocks is based on the distributed clock that manages the reference clock.
  • The KAS-IDE converts this timestamp into a relative offset inside the cycle.
  • It is also possible to configure a Fast Input to latch the motor position instead of latching the time.
  • However, when working with KAS, time latching is more useful, because the positions of all the drives in the application can then be interpolated using the Trigger block with the MLTrigReadPos function block.