Pipe Block Descriptions

  • Click a Pipe Block icon to display its description.

Master PMP Sampler
Derivator Integrator Adder
Comparator Trigger

Virtual master generating values (position) at each cycle Master


In contrast to the independent axes approach, synchronized axes must have something to put them in synchronization. This is the main goal of the Master pipe block which contains a Trapezoidal Motion Profile (TMPClosed "Trapezoidal Motion Profile" This pipe block is a source block that frequently serves as a virtual master for a system composed of several pipes. Generally, a trapezoidal motion profile generator is used to generate a flow of values with a first derivative which produces a trapezoidal trajectory) generator, which gives the cadence to the machine. It starts, stops and runs the machine at the desired speed.

The TMP Generator provides linear acceleration and deceleration, and also constant speed operation. These values are pure logical values, with generally no direct physical representation. It is a source block which frequently serves as a virtual master for a system comprised of several pipes.

A TMP Generator may be commanded to produce a movement of specified length (distance), or to accelerate to setpointClosed Setpoint is the target value that an automatic control system, for example PID controller, will aim to reach rate and operate at that rate until commanded to operate at a different rate. Acceleration and deceleration rates are also specified by the application.


Parameter Description
Sampling Period Sampling period of the generator expressed according to the cycle (e.g., 2.0 means the sampling is done once every 2 cycles).
Mode The available modes are Modulo and "No Modulo".
Modulo Position Modulo Position for cyclic motion systems expressed in user logical units.
Travel Speed

Travel speed value expressed in user position units per second.

The travel speed value is used to set the constant speed part of the trapezoidal motion profile.


Acceleration value expressed in user position units per second squared.

The acceleration value is always used to generate the first part of the trapezoidal motion profile.


Deceleration value expressed in user position units per second squared.

The deceleration value is always used to generate the last part of the trapezoidal motion profile.

Initial Position

Initial position value expressed in user position units.

Used only at the pipe activation to initialize the position starting point.

Associated Data

  • OutputValue: output value of the data flows.
  • IsReady: Boolean set to TRUE when the pipe block is ready.

Motion Functions

To access the motion functions associated to this pipe block, see PMP.

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Produces jerk limited motion PMP


PMP (Parabolic Motion Profile) pipe block generates a flow of values with a second derivative (acceleration) which produces a trapezoidal trajectory. The PMP Generator is similar to the TMP Generator. However, it is useful in applications where jerkClosed In physics, jerk is the rate of change of acceleration; more precisely, the derivative of acceleration with respect to time (third derivative of the motion) limiting is necessary. Although you can specify the maximum instantaneous rate of change of acceleration.


The PMP Generator is utilized as a virtual master to generate a simple point-to-point profile in machinery where large masses are being rotated or delicate webs (used in industry) are being processed. In fact, it is used in any application where jerk must be limited.

The PMP Generator is also capable of producing forward-backward motions with a non-stop, jerk-free transition through zero speed (see the figure below). This feature is frequently used for linear axes which must make a quick back-and-forth motion without any pause at one end.

PMP Generator forward & backward motion profile

Figure 9-17: PMP Generator forward & backward motion profile


Parameter Description
Sampling Period Sampling period of the generator expressed in seconds.
Modulo Position Modulo Position for cyclic motion systems expressed in user logical units.
First Travel Speed and Last Travel Speed

Travel speed values expressed in user position units per second.

The travel speed values are always used to set the constant speed part of the motion profile.


Acceleration value expressed in user position units per second squared.

The acceleration value (subject to constraints imposed by the JERK parameter) is always used to generate the portions of the motion profile where velocity is changing.

JerkClosed In physics, jerk is the rate of change of acceleration; more precisely, the derivative of acceleration with respect to time

Jerk value expressed in user position units per second cubed.

  • The jerk value is used to generate rounded part of the speed motion profile.
  • Jerk is the derivative of the acceleration, so it specifies the acceleration ramp.
Initial Position Initial position value expressed in user position units, used only at the pipe activation to initialize the position starting point.

Associated Data

  • OutputValue: output value of the data flows.
  • IsReady: Boolean set to TRUE when the pipe block is ready.

Motion Functions

To access the motion functions associated to this pipe block, see PMP.

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The connection between an external master and a Pipe NetworkSampler


The purpose of the sampler block is to periodically sample and place into a pipe some output of a source object.

Example: The sampled output might be the POSITION or SPEED of the source object measured by a resolver, an encoder, or some other types of sensorClosed A sensor is a type of transducer that converts one type of energy into another for various purposes including measurement or information transfer.

The sampler implements a logical connection between an external master (source object outside the KAS system) and one or more pipes. This is for slaving the motion of the KAS system to the external master by placing the sampled values into the pipes.


Figure 9-22: Sampler


Parameter Description
Sampling Period

Period of the sampler expressed in seconds

Sampler Period

Figure 9-23: Sampler Period


The available modes are Position and Speed

Sampler Mode Position

Figure 9-24: Sampler Mode Position

Sampler Mode Speed

Figure 9-25: Sampler Mode Speed

Associated Data

  • OutputValue: output value of the data flows.
  • IsReady: Boolean set to TRUE when the pipe block is ready.

Motion Functions

To access the motion functions associated to this pipe block, see PMP.

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Applies a derivation on the input data flow Derivator


The Derivator is a general pipe block whose purpose is to calculate the first derivative of its input values with respect to time.

  • It is usually used to change incoming position into velocity.
  • It often works together with the GEAR block as gearing in velocity to avoid jumps when suddenly changing the position.

Derivator - 'No Modulo' Mode

Figure 9-27: Derivator - "No Modulo" Mode

Derivator - Modulo Mode

Figure 9-28: Derivator - Modulo Mode


Parameter Description
Input Modulo Position

Value of the period of a cyclic system expressed in user units.
The parameter "INPUT_MODULO_POSITION" is defined to correctly manage the periodicity (modulo) of the input values.

Example: If the input value increases each millisecond by one (degree) then the output value is a thousand (degrees per second). Imagine the input value skips suddenly from 359 to 0:

  • If VALUE PERIOD = 360, the output continues to indicate 1000 (degrees per second), indicating that roll-over into the next period has been properly handled.
  • If VALUE PERIOD = 1000, the output indicates -359,000 (degrees per second), indicating that the input has incorrectly interpreted roll-over as a 359 degree change in input in one millisecond.

Initial Behavior

The first calculation of a Derivator pipe block just after the pipe installation indicates zero regardless of the initial input value.

Associated Data

  • OutputValue: output value of the data flows.
  • IsReady: Boolean set to TRUE when the pipe block is ready.

Motion Functions

To access the motion functions associated to this pipe block, see Derivator.

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Integrates the input data flow Integrator


Integrates the input data flow.

Usually used to change velocity to position and the output is the starting point from where the integration starts.

Integrator - 'No Modulo' Mode

Figure 9-29: Integrator - "No Modulo" Mode

Integrator - Modulo Mode

Figure 9-30: Integrator - Modulo Mode


Parameter Description
Mode The available modes are Modulo and "No Modulo"
Output Modulo Position

When mode is set to Modulo, integrate the input values with respect to time.

"OUTPUT_MODULO_POSITION" is defined to correctly manage the periodicity (modulo) of the output values.

Associated Data

  • OutputValue: output value of the data flows.
  • IsReady: Boolean set to TRUE when the pipe block is ready.

Motion Functions

To access the motion functions associated to this pipe block, see Integrator.

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Adds two data flowsAdder


Adds two data flows (the output is the algebraic sum of the two inputs).

Before being added, input values may be amplified and shifted (multiplication factor and offset are individually defined for each input).





Multipliers for the input data flows.


Offset values for the input data flows.

Output = (Ratio_1 * Input_1 + Offset_1) + (Ratio_2 * Input_2 + Offset_2)


Rule 1 and Rule 2 apply to the Adder pipe block.

Rule 1

The pipe blocks connected to the Adder inputs (e.g., a Cam and a Gear) must have the same output modulo positions.


Rule 2

The modulo position of the pipe blocks connected to the Adder inputs must have the same value (or a multiple) as the modulo position of the pipe block connected to the output of the Adder.

Associated Data

  • OutputValue: output value of the data flows.
  • Entry1: input value 1.
  • Entry2: input value 2.

Motion Functions

To access the motion functions associated to this pipe block, see Adder.

When a slave axis must be de- and re-synchronized with a master axis Synchronizer


The Synchronizer provides the capability to de-synchronize and re-synchronize an axis to an internal or external master like a mechanical clutch / brake.

  • It is used where a slave axis must be stopped and, when restarted, achieve perfect, jerk-free re-synchronization with the master.
  • The ramping distance (increment of slave axis motion within which ramp up or ramp down occurs) and the slave axis resting position are adjustable.


Parameter Description
Modulo Position

Value of the period of a cyclic system expressed in user units.

The parameter is defined to correctly manage the periodicity (modulo) of the input values.

Curve Type When synchronizing, specifies which type of curve (parabolic or polynomial) has to be implemented for merging with the master.
Output Phasing Set the output phasing value (position reached once the axis is stopped) of the synchronizer block.

Associated Data

  • OutputValue: output value of the data flows.
  • IsReady: Boolean set to TRUE when the pipe block is ready.

Motion Functions

To access the motion functions associated to this pipe block, see Synchronizer.

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Suspend the computation of the pipe during several cyclesDelay


Delay the data flow a number of cycles.


Parameter Description
Cycle Delay Number of cycles for postponement

Associated Data

  • OutputValue: output value of the data flows.
  • IsReady: Boolean set to TRUE when the pipe block is ready.

Motion Functions

See Delay to access the motion functions associated to this pipe block.

Synchronize operation of inputs and outputs to motion Comparator


A Comparator monitors the flow of pipe data and causes a specified action when the flow of values at its input crosses a specified reference value.


Parameter Description
Modulo Position

Value of the period of a cyclic system expressed in user units.

The parameter "MODULO_POSITION" is defined to correctly manage the periodicity (modulo) of the input values.

Reference The Comparator checks if the input value of the Comparator is greater or equal to this reference value.
Through Zero

Through zero reference mode can be set or not:

  • YES: Used to properly detect a periodic threshold crossing of motions on periodic axis where the flow values are always greater than or equal to zero but lower than the Modulo Position.
    • In this mode, the flow values must first cross one period limit and then, as soon as a value is greater than or equal to the reference, the ready flag becomes true.
  • NO: Applies mainly to bounded motions.
    • The Comparator's ready flag is false as long as the flow value is less than the reference and becomes true as soon as the flow value is greater than or equal to the reference.

Associated Data

  • OutputValue: output value of the data flows.
  • IsReady: Boolean set to TRUE when the pipe block is ready.

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Computes the local pipe value from the timestamp of a Fast Input event Trigger


Computes the local pipe value from the timestampClosed A timestamp is a sequence of characters, denoting the date and/or time at which a certain event occurred of a Fast Input time event.

  • Pipe input values are passed through to the block output with no influence on the flow of pipe values.
  • Typical application is for PLCopen Registration.

Trigger Extrapolates Output Value Based on Fast Input Timestamp

Figure 9-33: Trigger Extrapolates Output Value Based on Fast Input Timestamp

  • There are network and mechanical delays in systems that make capturing a correct pipe position difficult. To remove the delays, use a sampler block to capture the actual position of an axis. This image shows how this works:

    This sampler block is configured to capture the actual position of axis 1. The conversion and axis blocks are only needed to terminate the pipe. MLTrigWriteDelay may still be needed to compensate for sensor delay.
    If you need to calculate the master pipe value corresponding to the captured axis position, add the difference between the axis command position and the master pipe value.


Parameter Description
Input Axis Name of the axis where the drive has a Fast InputClosed The inputs are taken into account at each cycle depending on the system periodicity (for example each millisecond). Under certain circumstances this can be insufficient when more accuracy is needed, or if a quick response is required from the system. To fill the gap, a drive may have some Fast Input connections (generally one or two). When an event happens that triggers a Fast Input (e.g. when a sensor sends a rising edge), the detection of a signal occurs faster (which can be 1000 times more accurate than the system periodicity). Then the timestamp associated with this input can be provided to the IPC to take corrective action connection.
Input ID Identifier of the input object.
Trigger Mode Mode can be either RISING or FALLING EDGE

Associated Data

  • OutputValue: output value of the data flows.
  • TRIG_POS: interpolated position calculated when the time event was triggered (reserved for debugging purposes).
  • TRIG_TIME: time when the event was triggered (reserved for debugging purposes).
  • DELTA_TRIG_TIME: reserved for debugging purposes.

Motion Functions

To access the motion functions associated to this pipe block, see Trigger.

See Fast Inputs with Pipe Network Motion for more details.

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Applies a gearing ratio on the input data flowGear


The purpose of the Gear block is to amplify / attenuate (with a ratio) and shift (with an offset) the flow of values.

  • A Gear may have a ratio and offset less or greater than one, or even zero.
  • Ratio and offset may be changed dynamically during application execution.
  • A slope may be specified to limit the rate at which step changes in ratio and offset are implemented.


Parameter Description
Ratio Ratio coefficient
Offset The input offset value.
Ratio and Offset Slope

Sets the maximum rate of change at the pipe block output resulting from changes in RATIO or OFFSET parameters.

  • When set to the MAX (which is the default setting), the slope is infinite.
  • Units are user units per second for OFFSET SLOPE and 1/second for RATIO SLOPE

When set to TRUE, adapts the output values according to the periodicity (modulo).

Output = Ratio * Input + Offset

Associated Data

  • OutputValue: output value of the data flows.
  • IsReady: Boolean set to TRUE when the pipe block is ready.
  • INPOS: reserved for debugging purposes.

Motion Functions

To access the motion functions associated to this pipe block, see Gear.

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Produce user-defined motion profiles Cam


The Cam block is used to generate motion profiles of any shape. The profile generally represents the position transformation.

  • Jerk may ultimately cause a jerk in motor motion when a cam block is applied to the upstream pipe network positions.
    To avoid jerk in the pipe network, the potential position offset between the cam's first point and the input to the cam block must be taken care of in the application program by setting a cam offset or another method.


Separating the declaration of the Cam and profile parameters for the Cam pipe block provides the capability to declare and prepare several different cam profiles and then apply one of these dynamically to the Cam pipe block.

Profile switching may be done on the fly, without losing the synchronization and with no dead time.

In addition, the periodicity of the cam output values can be specified when used with a periodic system.


Parameter Description
Profile Name

Name of the current profile assigned to the cam.

It must be a declared profile object.

Output Modulo Position Value of the period of the cam output values expressed in user units, for a cyclic system.

Shape Specification

The shape of the cam profile must be processed by the Cam Profile Editor utility before it is usable by the Pipe Network Editor.

Associated Data

  • OutputValue: output value of the data flows.
  • IsReady: Boolean set to TRUE when the pipe block is ready.

Motion Functions

To access the motion functions associated to this pipe block, see CAM Profile.

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For independent phase adjustmentPhaser


A Phaser produces a flow of output values which are offset (phase shifted) a specified amount from its input. A typical application of a Phaser is to provide independent phase adjustment capability on an axis.

The Phaser has some similarities with the Gear pipe block, however its intended use is quite different.

  • The typical application for a Phaser pipe block is to drive a periodic system: a machine where the axes are globally increasing (or decreasing) their position.
  • The Gear pipe block, with OFFSET and RATIO parameters, is intended for bounded applications (applications where the integral of speed on a complete cycle is zero).
    • Using the wrong one at the wrong place will cause unnecessary complications.
    • In addition, you must always consider the position as the input value (and not the speed).




Output Modulo Position

Defined to correctly manage the periodicity (modulo) of the output values.

Expressed in User units.


Magnitude of the number added to the input value.

  • Phase value can be negative.
    • A negative phase value is subtracted from the input value.
  • Phase is expressed in user logical units.

Phase Slope Type

Choose between these modes to define the slope:

  • Phase_Slope_Max: A phase change is fully implemented in a single step.
  • Phase_Slope_User: Select this mode to specify the phase slope.

Phase Slope

Rate at which phase changes are implemented, expressed in user logical units per second.

A slow rate parameter is provided to limit the implementation of step changes of phase.

Standby Value

Value assumed by the phaser output when the phaser is in "stopped" condition.

Expressed in user logical units.

Associated Data

  • OutputValue: output value of the data flows.
  • IsReady: Boolean set to TRUE when the pipe block is ready.

Motion Functions

To access the motion functions associated to this pipe block, see Phaser.

Converts input data flow into a position and forwards it to an axis Convertor


The convertor block is necessary to define the connection between a pipe and a destination object.

  • Depending on convertor mode, the incoming numerical values are converted to POSITION or SPEED setpoints with no periodicity.
    • This conversion has no effect on the axis units and their periodicity.
  • This block must be present at the end of a pipe, typically right before an axis block.

Convertor - Position Mode 'No Modulo'

Figure 9-36: Convertor - Position Mode "No Modulo"

The Output position values are identical to input values when inputs in position mode (by range).

Convertor - Position Mode (Modulo)

Figure 9-37: Convertor - Position Mode (Modulo)

Convertor - Speed Mode

Figure 9-38: Convertor - Speed Mode


Parameter Description

The available modes are:

  • POSITION: The values drive the position of the motor.
    • At pipe activation, the current (axis) position is set to the first value given by the pipe by moving the motor.
    • Speed and acceleration are derivatives of position.
    • The torque is set according to the regulator needs.
    • Units are the axis physical units.
  • SPEED: The values drive the speed of the motor.
    • At pipe activation, the current position is not affected.
    • Position is the integral of speed and acceleration is the derivative of speed.
    • The torque is set according to the regulator needs.
    • Units are the axis physical units per second.

Associated Data

  • OutputValue: output value of the data flows.
  • IslinkedToAxis: Boolean set to TRUE when the Convertor pipe block is linked to an axis block.

Motion Functions

To access the motion functions associated to this pipe block, see Convertor.

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Models a physical axisAxis


  • Models the link from the Pipe Network to a physical axis.
  • Gives access (through the fieldbus) to remote drive's functions and parameters.
  • Automatically updates the image of the remote drive's status and error information.


Parameter Description
Position Unit

This field sets the units (see UNIT Parameters ) used by the drive axis.

When the axis is defined as an AKD2G, the units and value are synchronized with the drive.

  • Counts 16 bit
  • Degree
  • Radian
  • Custom - Selecting Custom allows you to specify the User Units Per Revolution.
User Units Per Revolution

To divide the current axis into graduations adapted to your project, you must define the unit that is equivalent to one revolution of the physical motor (e.g., 3600 means that you define the user unit to be tenth of a degree).

You can rely on expressions to define values.

Unit Label

Specify the type of units being used.

This is used for display purposes.

Travel Speed

Travel speed value expressed in user length units per second.

The travel speed value is used to set the constant speed part of the trapezoidal motion profile.


Acceleration value expressed in user length units per second squared.

The acceleration value is always used to generate the first part of the trapezoidal motion profile.


Deceleration value expressed in user length units per second squared.

The deceleration value is always used to generate the last part of the trapezoidal motion profile.


The available modes are Modulo and "No Modulo".

Rollover Position Modulo Position for cyclic motion systems expressed in user logical units.
Motion Bus

Select in the drop-down menu the type of motion bus associated to the axis.

This is only available when using an imported ENI file.


Specify the address number depending on the motion bus.

This is only available when using an imported ENI file.

Drive Axis Number

This is only available when using an imported ENI file.

Drive Units per Revolution

Number of units associated to the Drive for one revolution of the physical motor.

This is only available when using an imported ENI file.

Associated Data on Positions

This data are illustrated here:

  • All positions are in user units with modulo applied if active, unless specified.

Position / Offset Description

Actual Position

This is the actual position of the underlying axis as reported by the drive.

  • It is the sum of the feedback value (Position actual value) returned from the communication link to the drive and any zero-offset due to an MLWritePos function block (MLAxisWritePipPos, MLAxisWritePos).
ActualPos := FeedbackPos + ZeroOffset

Feedback Position

This is the current position the drive reports for an axis, scaled to user units.

It does not take into account the value of the Zero Offset or axis modulo.

Generator Position

This is the summation of all previous commands (i.e., calls to functions which perform motion such as MLAxisAbs, MLAxisMoveVel, and MLAxisRel) to the Axis internal motion generator.

  • It is modified by MLAxisWritePos to insure no jumps in the Reference Position command.
  • It accumulates changes in pipe position due to activate and deactivation of the pipe the Axis block is associated with.

Pipe Position

This is the output of the convertor block is written into the Pipe Position value whenever the Convertor block is connected to the axis and the pipe is active.

Reference Position

This is the commanded axis position sent to the drive.

It is the summation of Pipe Position and Generator Position.

ReferencePosition = Pipe Position + Generator Position

Zero Offset

This adjusts the coordinate system so the Actual Position reports correct values after homing or using MLAxisWritePos.

Motion Functions

To access the motion functions associated to this pipe block, see Axis.

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Concept Link IconSee Also