What's New in KAS v4.01

These new features have been implemented for this release.

Windows® 11

  • The installer, KAS-IDE, and Simulator are supported with Windows 11.
    • There were no changes to support Windows 11.


The PCMM2G controller is fully supported with this release.

If you are migrating from a AKD PDMM or PCMM, see Migrate from a PxMM to a PCMM2G Controller for details about porting applications.

Here’s a summary of the new PCMM2G features and the main differences between the PCMM2G and AKD PDMM / PCMM controllers:


The backup/restore files are different between the AKD PDMM / PCMM and the PCMM2G.

They are NOT cross-compatible.

See PCMM2G Controller and EtherCAT Devices Backup.

The Import / Export tab (under the Backup & Restore section of the Web server) is supported in PCMM2G.

Boot Sequence

The boot sequence and 7-segment display LED pattern is different for the PCMM2G.

See Boot Sequence.

Controller Errors and Alarms

There are some differences between the PCMM2G and AKD PDMM / PCMM Error and Alarm codes.

Controller Performance

Controller Shared Directory

The Shared Directory feature on the Kollmorgen Controllers (i.e., AKD PDMM, PCMM, and PCMM2G) allows access to the files on a remote computer using the Server Message Block (SMB) protocol.

  • The SMBv2 and SMBv3 are the newer versions that are more secure.
    • PCMM2G controller supports both SMBv2 and SMBv3.
    • AKD PDMM / PCMM support SMBv1.

Filename Format

The PCMM2G firmware filename format is different.

See PCMM2G - File Naming Conventions.

Flash Fallback and Recover Modes

Flash Partitions

There are four flash partitions: Boot, Active, Inactive, and Data.

  • See Booting the PCMM2G Controller.
  • The data partition contains the KAS application, user data, logs, crash reports, and any EtherCAT and controller backup files.
    • The data partition makes it possible to run the application from either partition A or B until a corrupted partition can be repaired.


GetCtrlPerf() function block values are different for the PCMM2G.

  • The MeanCpuIdlePct, StdDevCpuIdlePct, MinCpuIdlePct, and MaxCpuIdlePct values in the GetCtrlPerf() function block are measured based on the controller CPU idle period.
    • The CPU idle period is measured across two CPU cores running the MotionEngine and PLC program.
    • See GetCtrlPerf for controller differences.

KAS-IDE Compilation Option

IDE Compilation option for Optimized Code Generation is NOT supported by the PCMM2G.

O-Scope Trace Time Channels

The 4th channel is different between AKD PDMM / PCMM and PCMM2G:

See Practical Application: Using Trace Time To Measure CPU Load for using trace times to measure the CPU load in Normal, Heavily, and Over Loaded scenarios.
See these examples:


  • The PROFINET adapter identification for the controllers are:
  • When the application is compiled, based on the controller type, the PROFINET adapter identification is changed to match the required name.

Real-time Clock

The PCMM2G has a Real-Time Clock, including an optional battery to retain the date/time when the PCMM2G is powered off.

SSH Password

PCMM2G has a default unique password for SSH login:

Temperature Monitor

The PCMM2G behaves differently than AKD PDMM / PCMM in cases where the temperature reaches the error limit

AKD Firmware v1-23-00-000

AKD2G Firmware v2-12-00-001

  • The KAS-IDE and Runtime have been tested with Production Release v2-12-00-001.
  • The ESI files have been updated in the installation package.

KAS-IDE-WB (Workbench)

New KAS-IDE Features

New PLC Functions