Manual Tuning

This section covers the user interface for manual tuning in the WorkBench Tuning pane.

Manual Tuning Interface

  1. Top Ribbon

  2. Measurement Pane

  3. Simulation Pane

  4. Tuning Results Pane

  5. Floating Panes

  6. Bode Plot Elements and Tools

  7. Bode Plot Tools

  8. Nichols Plot

Top Ribbon

Parameter Description  


Sets the tuning method.


Takes a measurement of the system using the parameters values currently present on the drive. Parameter values set in the simulation pane will not be used unless they are first written to the drive.


Populates the Settings pane with Basic or Advanced parameters.

The Basic setting limits the Measurement Type to Plant and Closed Loop and limits the Settings to only #FFT Points.

The Advanced settings adds Current Loop and Custom to the Measurement Type options, as well as additional FFT values to the Settings options.

Default Settings: Restores measurement and post-processing parameters to their default values

Default Tuning

Resets the tuning parameters to their defaults at 75 Hz bandwidth.


Reads the current tuning parameters from the drive.


Writes the parameters to the drive.


Enables/disables cursors, Drag-and-Drop tuning mode on the Bode Plot, and open the Cursor Tools pane.


Import or export CSV files of the tuning data and parameters.


Changes the structure of the tuning window and panes.

Default returns the panes the original layout settings.


Shows the stability rating of the measured or simulated parameters. It is tied to the Tuning Results pane and Bode Plot pane.

Measurement Pane

Parameter Options Description

Measurement Type

1 - Closed Loop

Measures the response with the control loop included

2 - Plant

Measures the response of the physical system - without the control loop

3 - Current Loop

Measures the current loop response

4 - Custom

Measures the response based on custom measurement input and output

Excitation Point

1 - Current

Injection point of the Noise or Sine Excitation between the Controller and the Plant

2 - Velocity

Injection point of the Noise or Sine Excitation before the Controller

Excitation Type

1 - PRB

Psuedo random binary signal

2 - Sine

Sine sweep signal that requires a start frequency, end frequency and step size

3 - Noise

Psuedo random noise signal

Excitation Configuration Mode

0 - User Defined

User sets the Excitation Current

1 - Friction Test

Minimum current required to command continuous motion becomes the excitation current

Excitation Current

Current apply to excite the system

User defined, or determined from Friction Test

# FFT Points

Default: 4096

Range: 1024 to 32768

FFT Resolution to use to generate a Bode Plot from measured data.

# Points to Record

Determined by the #FFT Points chosen by default

Total number of sampled data points

Sampling Frequency

Default 8000
Range: 500, 1000, 2000, 4000 and 8000

Rate at which the points are sampled

FFT Overlap


Percentage of overlap of time blocks

Max Velocity

Sets VLTHRESH to a maximum velocity for the excitation tests. If the excitation causes the motor to exceed this, a Motor Overspeed fault will be thrown.

Simulation Pane

Parameter Option Description

Targeted OpMode


0 - Torque, 1 - Velocity, 2 - Position

Used in determining the simulation calculations. The mode of operation the tuned system will utilize.

Position Loop Proportional Gain

AXISx.PL.KP value

Proportional Gain in the position control loop

Position Loop Integral Gain

AXISx.PL.KI value

Integral gain in the position control loop

Velocity Loop Proportional Gain

AXISx.VL.KP value

Proportional gain in the velocity control loop

Velocity Loop Integral Gain

AXISx.VL.KI value

Integral gain in the velocity control loop

Fwd Biquad 1 (AR1)

Low Pass, Lead-Lag, Resonator (Notch), and Custom BiQuad

Forward Anti-resonance filter 1

Fwd Biquad 2 (AR2)

Forward Anti-resonance filter 2

Fb Biquad 3 (AR3)

Feedback Anti-resonance filter 3

Fb Biquad 4 (AR4)

Feedback Anti-resonance filter 4

Velocity FF Gain

VL.KVFF value

Velocity Feedforward Gain

Current Loop Bandwidth

IL.BW set to 1.5 kHz

Current Loop Bandwidth



Current required to hold a vertical load in place



Current required to overcome friction

Acceleration FF Gain


Current loop acceleration feedforward gain

Current Loop Velocity FF Gain

IL.KVFF value

Current loop velocity feedforward gain

Tuning Results Pane

The Tuning Results pane provides the results and parameter values used to achieve them. The data can be copied and pasted into any text editor.

Floating Panes

Any pane within the Tuning view can be moved around or floated outside WorkBench.

Use the Layout options to organize the panes to the default settings, organize the panes in tabs located across the bottom of the tuning pane, or float the Bode and Nichols Plot panes.

Bode Plot Elements and Tools

  1. Plots

  2. Plot Options

  3. Overlays

  4. Stability Status


The bar across the top displays the 6 available plot buttons. Hovering the mouse over the plot, or plot button, highlights both. Clicking the plot buttons toggles them on and off.

Plot Options

Clicking the Options button opens the Bode Plot Legend Options pane. You can set the measured and simulated plot shown. Clicking the Measured or Simulated buttons toggles their view.


Import overlays (plots) from previous measurements and simulations for comparison.

Stability Status

The Status gauge provides a quick visual reference of the system's stability and is in sync with the bode plot.

Bode Plot Tools

The Tools feature provides the ability to add and display cursors to the bode plot, each with or without data labels, visually adjust gains and filters on their plots, and perform Sine sweeps.

Pressing the button in the bottom right corner of Tools opens the Tools pane. The Tools tab at the bottom of the Tuning view can also open the Tools pane.

Within the Cursor Configuration, cursors can be added, set to a frequency or a specific ccolor, and display the data associated with each cursor.

The Cursor Data displays the data for each cursor and plot.

The Sine enables a continuous sine sweep at the set excitation current and frequency.

Nichols Plot

The Nichols Plot provides a 2D visual gain vs. phase representation of the system stability status.

Manual Tuning First Step: Understanding the Plant

Measuring the Plant

Referenced Tuning Topics

Bode Plot Zoom and Positioning Features

Manual Tuning First Step: Understanding the Plant

System [Plant] Gain

What is Bandwidth

Excitation Type

Excitation Point

Excitation Current

FFT Settings

Torque Feed Forward

Determining Feed Forwards

PL.KP - Position Loop Proportional Gain

VL.KI - Velocity Loop Integral Gain

VL.KP - Velocity Loop Proportional Gain6

VL.KI and PL.KP together

Low Pass Filter

Lead/Lag Filter

Biquad Custom Filters

Resonator (Notch) Filter

Luenberger Observer

Post Processing Smoothing %