Motion / Common - Coordinated Motion
These tables list the Coordinated Motion function blocks and function blocks:
Group Control
See Coordinated Motion - Group Control Library for more information.
Name |
Description |
Adds an axis to an axes group. |
Create an axis group for coordinated motion. |
Changes the state of a group to GroupDisabled. |
Changes the state of a group from GroupDisabled to GroupStandby. |
Reads a value from the specified Boolean group parameter. |
Reads a value from the specified group parameter. |
Makes the transition from the state GroupErrorStop to GroupStandby by resetting all internal group-related errors. |
Performs a controlled motion stop of all axes in the group. |
Writes a value to the specified Boolean group parameter. |
Writes a value to the specified group parameter. |
Initializes the kinematic limits for the axis group. |
Removes an individual axis from an axis group. |
Sets the kinematic transform between the Machine Coordinate System and the Axes Coordinate System. |
Removes all axes from an axes group. |
See Motion / Common - Coordinated Motion - Info for more information.
Name |
Description |
Reads the actual acceleration of the group and the axes in the group. |
Reads the actual position of the axes in the group. |
Reads the actual velocity of the group and the axes in the group. |
Reads the command position of the axes in the group. |
Reads the command velocity of the axes in the group and the path velocity. |
Reads the Group ErrorID in state ERRORSTOP. |
Returns the status of an axes group. |
See Motion / Common - Coordinated Motion - Motion for more information.
Name |
Description |
Sets the default kinematic parameters for an axis. |
Converts the PLCopen A vendor -and product- independent worldwide association active in Industrial Control and aiming at standardizing PLC file formats based on XML error IDs into message strings. |
Performs a controlled motion stop of all axes in the group. |
Sets the velocity factor that is multiplied to the commanded velocity of all axes in the group. |
Commands interpolated circular movement on an axes group to the specified absolute positions in the coordinate system as specified by the CoordSystem argument. |
Commands interpolated circular movement on an axes group to the specified relative positions in the coordinate system as specified by the CoordSystem argument. |
Commands movement of an axes group to an absolute position regardless of path. |
Commands movement of an axes group to a relative position regardless of path. |
Commands interpolated linear movement on an axes group to the specified absolute positions. |
Commands interpolated linear movement on an axes group to the specified relative positions. |
See Coordinated Motion - Reference Library for more information.
Name | Description |
MC_GrpSetPos |
Sets the axis command position for all of the axes in an axes group to the positions specified in the |